Signs of the Trinity

Trinity is considered one of the most important holidays for Christians. This festival is celebrated 50 days after Easter, which is why its second name is Pentecost. In this holiday, apart from Orthodox traditions, elements of the rites of ancient pagan peoples also prevail. For a long time peasants celebrated trinity cheerfully and noisily. The given holiday was considered special for farmers, in fact at this time all crops are completed and there is a preparatory stage for the first harvesting. People had the opportunity to rest for at least a couple of days before the beginning of the hard work days. With the Trinity, a large number of signs and ceremonies are associated, beginning with weather conditions and ending with a fortune-telling for a future husband .

Weather on Trinity signs

Since the trio always drops out at the beginning of the summer, experts in agrarian affairs have always paid attention to various weather phenomena. The sign of the rain on the trinity symbolized the appearance of dense grass, respectively, and a beautiful haymaking, wet land, and hence a good harvest. Rain was also a sign of late frosts. Hot weather was a harbinger of a drought, that's why all the signs on this day were treated frugally and passed them from generation to generation.

Folk features on the Trinity

One of the most ancient was the omen, when an icon or bundles of "lacrimal" grasses were brought to the church for consecration (the grass was mourned), after which these items were hidden in the house. This was a kind of appeal to God asking for a summer without a drought.

The birch twigs that were inserted into the shutters or scattered over the upper room of the grass were also symbols of the fact that the summer will be fruitful. Signs associated with the trinity provided for the prohibition of any work. It was forbidden to do anything at home except cooking. Swim, too, can not, because at this time mermaids could lure to their bottom. The day before the Trinity it was customary to go to the cemetery to remember the relatives. A good sign was considered to be wagering on that day. If a young man came to the girl to woo, and on Pokrov they decided to get married, their life will be long and prosperous.

Signs of the trinity for girls

Despite the fact that the church does not recognize the various kinds of fortune telling and predicting the future, but because the people between Christmas and Epiphany had a fairly long period of time, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity performed rituals on the Trinity , wishing to see their betrothed, and trembling waited for matchmakers. If at the table on the trinity they accidentally started talking about the wedding, it meant that life would be comfortable, joyful and good. Also a good sign is to introduce young people to the festivities. The sign says that if you fall in love with a chosen one for the Trinity, the Angels will keep and treat such an alliance very carefully.

The most common feature was "curling" birch and wicker weaving. Before the trio, the young girls went into the forest to the birches and braided the tops of the trees. If the trunk of the top of the tree has developed or wilted, this year does not promise to be a bride. If the top remains the same, we should expect matchmakers, a wedding and wealth in the house.

Weaving wreaths also refers to the signs on the trinity. The girls were to be held without male representatives. A man should not have seen such a wreath, since in the people it was considered a "malefice" of a girl. After each woven their wreaths, the girls went to the river with songs and let them through the water, where a wreath floated, and from there one should expect a future husband. The wreath was not removed from the head, but tilted so that it fell. If the girl wanted her future husband to dream, it was necessary to put birch twigs under the pillow on the Trinity.