Exercises for the press and sides

Fat deposits in the abdomen are not only unattractive, but also dangerous for health. The fact is that fat is also deposited between internal organs, disrupting their normal functioning. But, it's not so important that it pushed you to get rid of excess weight , it is important that the technique is one - these are exercises for the press and sides in combination with a balanced diet.

A little about nutrition

There are several rules that should be adhered to.

  1. Do not eat at night - so our body is arranged, that with the onset of the evening all the processes of vital activity in it slow down, so the eaten plate of borscht before going to bed will roam over your stomach all night.
  2. The main part of the meal should be consumed in the morning, up to 15 hours - repeat the saying "you eat breakfast yourself, share your lunch with a friend, give the dinner to the enemy".
  3. Do not overeat - satiety comes only 20 minutes after eating, and after all for this third of an hour you can eat so much more! To eat less, you need to learn to eat more slowly.
  4. There are small portions - use plates of smaller diameter. This trick is used by an increasing number of people, because we are used to believing our eyes. It is always more pleasant to see a small saucer overcrowded with food than a blob of food on a large dining room plate.

That, in fact, that's all. Compliance with these rules is not even a matter of sex, but much more.

Well, now let's take an active part of the program - swing the press and sides!


We suggest you perform a set of exercises to inflate the muscles of the press. The reason for the sagging belly and protruding sides is, first of all, nonworking, flabby muscles, which simply need to be brought into tonus. However, if your muscles are also covered in fat, you must remember that the pump will not work here. Fat should be burned, but our calories burn, as well as dead wood in the presence of oxygen. Hence the name of the aerobic exercise, which means running, skipping rope, dancing, swimming, cycling, etc.

The following exercises are a classic of the genre, which all those who want to pump up the press and remove the sides should assimilate.

  1. IP - sitting on the floor, focusing on the hands, fix the dumbbell between the feet. We tear off the legs from the floor, knees are bent. Leaning back and bending his arms, we extend our legs on exhaling. On inhalation - we are forming. We perform 10 times.
  2. We lay down on the floor, straight legs raise at a right angle, we take a dumbbell in our hands. The arms are stretched out, we stretch out up to our hands, tearing off the head and shoulder blades from the floor. We perform 10 times and at the end we perform three more pulsating ascents.
  3. We need a bench or chair. We put our feet on the dais, the emphasis is on the forearm of the lower arm, the legs are straightened, the upper arm is on the waist. We make short ascents up on exhalation and descend on inspiration. We perform 10 times on each leg.
  4. We lay down on the floor, legs together, knees are unfolded, the body looks forward - this is a classic exercise for the lateral muscles of the press. We take the dumbbell in the hand and put the hand next to the head. The second hand is extended along the body. We make twists in the belt in the direction of bent knees on exhalation. We perform three approaches 10 times per side.
  5. For the next exercise, we will need a special simulator for the press and sides "wheel" (dumbbells on wheels). We sit on the floor on the heels, hands are holding the wheel. We stretch our arms forward and stretch to the end, until our legs are straightened, practically, dropping to the floor with the whole body. We perform 10 times.
  6. We lie down on the floor, our knees are bent. We do body lifts, trying to reach hands to the knees. We perform 10 times.
  7. We lay down on the floor, put our hands under the buttocks, tear off our legs from the floor and do "scissors" - we cross legs. We perform 20 times.