Masks from wrinkles after 50 years

Mature and fading skin needs special intensive care, as the body stops producing estrogen, the hormone of youth. It is necessary to include special masks in the complex of rejuvenating procedures. They can be purchased already ready, in a professional store, or made independently of the available products. It is important that anti-wrinkle masks after 50 years contain ingredients that promote the production of collagen fibers, elastin and hyaluronic acid in skin cells.

The most effective face masks for wrinkles after 50

Gelatin is the most popular component of home rejuvenating cosmetics. It, for the most part, consists of organic protein, which produces a pronounced lifting effect with simultaneous smoothing of even deep folds.

Gelatine mask


Preparation and use

Pour the gelatin with water and leave it for a while, so that the granules swell. Melt the mixture in a water bath by adding oil to it. Mix well the mass. Warm the composition to put on the face, thick layer to cover wrinkles. After 20 minutes, flush the product with a cotton pad soaked in warm milk.

Lifting face mask after 50 years


Preparation and use

Gently knead the eggs and combine them with butter. Lubricate the liquid compound on the face, massaging the areas with wrinkles. After 25 minutes, wash.

If the caviar is too expensive, you can replace it with fish oil.

Professional rejuvenating masks after 50 years

If you are unwilling to prepare funds for wrinkles, you should purchase professional masks yourself: