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Christmas tree with beads by own hands | Christmas tree made of pillows | How to make a tree of paper? | How to make a tree of sweets? | How to make a Christmas tree out of cones? |
There is nothing more beautiful than a real coniferous forest beauty - it is the heart of a holiday. But as the king does the entourage, so the tree can not be imagined without garlands, snowflakes, candlesticks and other entourage pieces.
Designers excel in ingenuity, and sculpt the Christmas tree a little from what. If you want to replicate designer Christmas trees with your own hands, stock up on strawberries, sweets, knots, cones, glue, double-sided scotch, patience and listen to our advice.
Tree of paper with own hands
There are three options for making a paper tree.
If you need to make a miniature fishnet herringbone, the quilling technique is best suited. Screw oval snails from strips of green paper and fix them on a wooden skewer. Snowy stand - several white curls. Small round colored curls are micro-embellishments for our green beauty.
Original Christmas trees with their own hands can be made from circles of paper.
In the first case, divide the circle into 12 sectors, cut along the dividing lines by 1/2 the radius. Each sector and glued together with a kulechkom. Begin with the highest tier and make each following circle of a larger diameter. The main thing is to stop.
Another tree is made of green paper circles, divided into 16 parts. We stack each circle with such an accordion and attach them to the wooden rod with a glue gun.
As you can see, making a Christmas tree from paper is not at all difficult, especially if you use a more detailed master class .
Christmas tree of chocolates with own hands
A bouquet of sweets is a trendy trend among home designers. New Year spurs from candies to create Christmas trees. With your hands from a bottle and caramel in a wrapper with a double-sided scotch, literally half an hour you can make quite a nice fir-tree. Two tips are worth considering: start from the bottom tier and choose sweets in a green wrapper. More detailed instructions can be found here .
How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands made of textile pillows?
To make a Christmas tree from pillows you do not need to be a super-sewn. We make a pattern in the form of a hexagonal star. On each tier you will need two such pieces of cloth cut from the fabric. We sew the two parts together, turn them out, stuff them with a sintepon and sew a circle around the middle of the pillow with a size of a nickel. We carefully dab around the edge of our patch to cut out the middle without any problems. This hole in the pillows-tiers for the trunk, to which we will put the pillows from the largest - down, to the top - the smallest. The fabric is better to take New Year's - brocade, with the addition of lyric threads, crepe-satin, silk, chameleon. If the fabric is heavily strewed, it is better to reinforce it with the wrong side of the fleece. Detailed step-by-step instructions can be found here .
Christmas tree of cones with own hands
There are several ways to make such a Christmas tree, the most successful of which, we offer to your attention.
At the base of the cones holes are made, into which wooden skewers are inserted. The second end of the skewers is inserted into the foam cone, which serves as the trunk. In addition to our Christmas tree, it is possible to make a Christmas wreath out of cones with your own hands.
Christmas tree with beads by own hands
The herringbone of beads is like a jewelry. For its manufacture, you can use both beads and glass beads. Before you decide to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from beads, really appreciate your strengths and capabilities: this painstaking work will require maximum strength and patience. First, five dark green beads and two light beads are picked up on the wire. Then the wire returns to the penultimate light bead, passes all the beads to the end and again recovers five dark and two light ones. Again the last light remains anchoring, and the wire returns through the penultimate through the entire string. So we already get two needles. After the wire with a lot of needles is wound on a thicker wire, forming a branch, from which a tree is made. Such a decorative Christmas tree, made by own hands, can become an exquisite gift for a person close to you, because each bead is strung with the thought of it. It makes a special impression on women.
You can make a Christmas tree of branches - cardboard cone should be pasted with small twigs, moss, bark. Or stick a foam cone with branches 3-5 cm long and 0.7-0.1 cm thick.