Outdoor games for children

In good weather, especially in summer, children of any age spend a lot of time on the street. Gathering large companies, they arrange fun games and entertainment, allowing you to spend time with benefit and interest.

In this article, we offer to your attention some entertaining outdoor games for children, with the help of which the children will be able to throw out their energy and have a good time.

Moving outdoor games for children

The most frequent for children of school and preschool age in the open air are organized active games, which allow the children to rest a little and escape from school. In particular, the following amusing entertainments can be offered to boys and girls:

  1. "Close the circle." Among all the guys one guide is chosen, while all the other participants get up, holding hands, and form a circle. The driver turns away, after which the children begin to tangle the circle with all their might, climbing through other players in any possible ways, but without breaking hands. The task of the guide is to return the circle to its original state, but do not break it, that is, do not uncouple the hands of other participants.
  2. "Funny jumps." Before the beginning of this game with a chalk or a stick it is necessary to draw a circle with a radius of 1.5-2 meters. One of the guys is located in the center of the circle, and all the others are dispersed along its perimeter. At the signal, all players start alternately jumping and jumping out of the circle. The child standing in the center should touch them with his hand, after which the guys are considered to be caught. The game continues until there is only one participant left.
  3. "Kitten". Among the players choose a guide who hides behind a tree or any other object and begins to meow. The rest of the guys should find it as quickly as possible. In this case, the "kitten" is allowed to change its location, until no one sees. The game continues until the lead is detected, and then, if desired, repeats with the new player in its quality.

Also for the company of children in the open air funny games-competitions will suit:

  1. "Running the other way around." In this fun, all the guys are divided into pairs, the participants of each of which turn their backs to each other and hold hands. In this position, without separating from each other, they need to reach the set point and back. Winning participants who managed to achieve goals faster than others.
  2. "Giants and Lilliputians." For this game, you need a presenter who will give commands to the players. He should tell the children the words "Lilliputians", "giants", and also any others, for example, "stand up", "sit down," "close your eyes," and others. In this case, in response to the word "Lilliputians", players must sit down, and on the word "giants" - stand up and stretch their arms up. On all other teams, participants in the game should not react at all. Those players who have mixed up something, drop out. The one who could last longer than the others wins.
  3. "4 Elements". This game is an excellent pastime for junior high school students and, in addition, contributes to the development of mindfulness among the children. Before it starts, all players stand in a circle, and one of them, holding a ball in his hand, is at his center. The leader alternately throws the ball to each child, uttering one of four words: "earth", "fire", "air" or "water". The one to whom the projectile was thrown must respond correctly to the command given - in response to the word "earth", name any animal that was not previously called by other players, the word "water" - fish, "air" - the bird, and the word "fire" "Just waving your arms. Inattentive player immediately drop out. The winner is the participant who managed to last longer than the others.

Finally, classic relay games for children in the open air will be an excellent entertainment for a large company, for example:

  1. "Kangaroo". All players are divided into 2 ranks, each captain being given a small tennis ball. The task of each participant is to clamp the shell between the knees and run so to the specified point, and then go back and pass the ball to the next player. If in the process the object falls to the ground, the child should stop, again pinch it between the legs and continue the task. The team that managed to manage for the minimum time wins.
  2. "Baba Yaga in the Stupa." The guys should split into 2 teams, each captain receiving a small bucket and a mop. The player stands with one foot in the bucket, while the other leaves it on the ground. Its task is to simultaneously support the bucket by the handle and hold the mop so that it does not fall. In this position, the relay participant must reach the given point, return to his line and transfer the items to the next player. The winners are those guys who have achieved the goal faster.