What to do with the first signs of a cold - the best means of fighting the disease

If you notice the symptoms of an acute respiratory illness in time, you can prevent complications and be cured in just 1-2 days even without the help of a doctor. It is important to correctly implement therapy, without overloading the body with unnecessary medications and procedures.

How does a cold begin?

The described pathology is a banal hypothermia , it should not be confused with viral infections and influenza. Acute respiratory disease can be easily distinguished by the level of body temperature. At the first symptoms of a cold, it does not cross the mark above 38 degrees, and in case of infection with the virus this indicator reaches a value of 38.5 or more. Other early clinical manifestations of the disease:

How to prevent colds with the first symptoms?

The above signs without therapy will quickly progress, so it is important to treat immediately. There are several effective methods to stop the onset of a cold:

  1. Get warm. Take a hot bath or shower, rub the skin well with a towel, put on warm socks and pajamas.
  2. Relax. For the next 36-48 hours, postpone any work and observe bed rest.
  3. Drink more. Warm compote, mors or tea further warms the body and promotes the renewal of blood and plasma.

Choosing what to take at the first sign of a cold, you should carefully study the symptoms. If the clinical picture is limited to subfebrile temperature , drowsiness and unpleasant sensations in the nose and throat, you can put the first-aid kit. The additional loading in the form of chemical preparations only will prevent recovery. Medications are required only in the course of clinical manifestations.

What should be treated at the first sign of a cold?

There is no universal therapy for acute respiratory diseases, experts advise selecting the pharmacological agents in accordance with the symptoms. Conservative ways of how to treat cold symptoms for the first time often involve only mustard plasters for the purpose of warming the feet and saline solutions for washing the nasopharynx. If therapy was started in time, these drugs will help to recover quickly. Strong means are needed if the first signs of a cold progress - treatment in such cases involves the use of symptomatic medications:

Medications for the first symptoms of a cold

The main mistake during the therapy of hypothermia is taking antibiotics. Antimicrobial agents may be prescribed exclusively by the doctor, when there are direct indications for their admission. Any medicine with the first signs of a cold should perform a single function: to eliminate the obvious symptoms of respiratory pathology. If the clinical picture is poorly expressed, no medication is required.

Remantadine at the first sign of a cold

This drug is an antiviral agent effective against influenza of certain genotypes. Use the pills under consideration at the first sign of a cold is meaningless. All unpleasant clinical manifestations are the result of hypothermia, and not infection. Making a plan, what to do with the first signs of a cold, you should not include antiviral medicines. Such drugs increase the toxic load on the liver, it is intended for the treatment of influenza.

Paracetamol at the first sign of a cold

Respiratory pathologies can be accompanied by inflammation at any stage of progression. Experts confirm that drinking at the first sign of a common cold Paracetamol is acceptable, but not necessary. The drug has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is well tolerated without side effects. This remedy should be used at the first signs of a cold if there are appropriate indications:

Ascorbic acid at the first sign of a cold

Previously it was assumed that vitamin C provides direct support to the functioning of the immune system. Based on this, active consumption of various citrus fruits, juices and ascorbic acid drops was often included in the list of actions to be taken at the first signs of a cold. New research completely refuted the theory presented. Modern therapists offer a different diet, when the cold begins - what to do:

  1. To supplement the diet with food rich in various chemical compounds, not just vitamin C.
  2. Prepare easily digested and well digestible dishes.
  3. Refuse from fatty and high-calorie foods.

Folk remedies at the first sign of a cold

In alternative medicine, there are many recipes that provide rapid relief of the symptoms of respiratory diseases. An excellent option, what to do with the first signs of a cold - use medicinal drinks. Instead of tea, traditional healers offer fruit drinks and compotes of the following products:

They can be sweetened with honey or berry jam, they soften the throat well and stimulate the appetite, support the functions of the immune system due to the high content of vitamins. Emergency help with the first signs of a cold is ginger warming tea. This drink additionally has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

The recipe for tea


Preparation, reception:

  1. Clean the root, cut it into small cubes or grind it in another way.
  2. Kashitza and allocated juice to be placed in glass or ceramic dishes, boil with boiling water.
  3. Add to the drink the selected citrus and apple, spices.
  4. When the tea cools down to 40-60 degrees, it can be sweetened (if desired) with honey, jam or sugar.
  5. Drink 2-3 cups a day.

The first signs of a cold during pregnancy - what to do?

It is important for future mothers to treat therapy as carefully as possible. Warming procedures, including hot baths, steaming legs and setting mustard plasters, are undesirable during bearing, so the list of activities that make pregnant at the first sign of a cold is limited to bed rest and warm vitaminized liquid. A woman should carefully check all used products, some natural preparations can cause a tone of the uterine muscles. What to drink at the first sign of a cold to a future mother: