Plum "Morning"

Incredibly sunny fruits of the plum "Morning" will not leave anyone indifferent neither by their appearance nor by their delicious taste. With proper care of the trees, they will please you with a plentiful harvest a few years after planting.

Description of the plum variety "Morning"

Trees of medium height have an average crown density of oval shape. The shoots grow smooth, dark brown in color. They grow small buds.

The leaves of the plum "Morning" are oval, light green, without pubescence on the leaf surface and below. The edge of the leaf is a one-rod, and on the surface there are a lot of "wrinkles".

Petioles of medium size, equipped with glands. The petals of the flowers do not close, inside the flower there are 21 stamens, above which rises the stigma of the pistil. The flower has a naked ovary and a smooth pedicel of medium length.

The fruit of the plum "Morning" is yellow, slightly pinkish on the sunny side, oval in shape, with a slight depression at the base. The ventral suture is weakly developed, there is no pubescence. Plums are covered with a wax coating.

The juiciness and density are characterized as medium, yellow flesh, fine-fibrous consistency. The average weight of one fruit is 26 g. The taste of the plum "Morning" is sweet, with a pleasant aroma. The stone is round, easily lagging behind the pulp. Fruits well tolerate transportation. You can consume them both in fresh and processed form.

The average life expectancy of a tree is 21 years. Fruit-bearing begins on the 4th year after planting. Blooms usually bloom from mid-May 20. Maturation of the same fruits occurs from 7 to 14 August. Plum is characterized by high yields - from one tree you can collect up to 15 kg of fruit. The plum sort "Morning" is self-fertilized, therefore does not need pollinators.

The tree does not tolerate too cold winters, which affects its yield. This is the main disadvantage of the variety. However, it applies quite calmly to spring frosts.

Planting and caring for the plum "Morning"

Plant young trees best in the early spring, when the kidneys have not yet opened. The depth of the pit under the planting of the seedling is excavated in half a meter in depth and width of about 80-90 cm. At the same time one should try to choose a dry and well-lit place, with groundwater not closer than 1.5 meters.

In the prepared pit it is necessary to install a seedling, spread its roots, fill them with sod and a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers. The soil around the planted wood should be constantly maintained moist and periodically loosen.

In autumn it is necessary to feed the plum with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. To form the crown, it is necessary to constantly prune, during which to remove sick, dried, frozen shoots, as well as branches that grow improperly. It is extremely important to constantly monitor the roots and remove it in time.

To survive the drought, the plum should be watered daily, pouring 2-3 buckets under the young and 5-6 buckets under a tall tree. And to protect against frosty winter, it is recommended to cover it.

Diseases and pests plum "Morning"

Variety "Morning" is quite resistant to the clasterosporium and fruit rot. Slightly less resistant to pests - aphids and moth. To protect trees from pests, every spring you need to dig up the soil in the trunk circle before budding, cut off branches with damages and burn them outside the site.

It is good to help from diseases spraying trees with fufanon and preparations "Inta-vir" and "Iskra Bio". Damaged fruit rot, fruits must be destroyed, and trees sprinkled with nitrafen or Bordeaux fluid .