Vomiting in a child - the most frequent causes, rapid treatment and advice for parents

Vomiting is a response from the digestive system. It can be caused by the introduction of an infection or caused by the excitation of the nervous system. Often, vomiting in a child occurs when eating disorders, especially in infants, but it is necessary to exclude and infectious factor.

Child Tears - Causes

In order to determine why a child tears in a particular situation, doctors collect a complete history. Medics are interested in what the baby was eating the day before, whether there were signs of a disease (temperature, diarrhea). The main causes of vomiting in a child can be divided into several groups, depending on the provoking factor:

Food-related: consumption of low-quality products, overeating, fatty foods, drug poisoning.

  1. Associated with infectious diseases of the digestive tract: dysentery, salmonellosis, intestinal flu.
  2. Disturbances in the structure of the digestive system: stenosis, diverticulum, pilorospasm, pyloric stenosis, hernia.
  3. Associated with trauma: concussion, head trauma.

Vomiting and temperature of the child

When the baby tears and the temperature is higher than normal, doctors try to exclude the infectious agent. Often, a similar situation occurs with rotavirus infection in children. The disease is manifested by strong, repeated vomiting. The temperature index in such cases rarely exceeds 38 degrees. Among other causes of vomiting with fever:

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child

If a child tears and diarrhea is observed, initially the doctors try to eliminate the causes related to nutrition. Often it is associated with a violation of personal hygiene, a decrease in immunity, diseases of internal organs. If a child has a stomach ache and vomiting - doctors exclude the following possible causes:

  1. Intestinal infections: escherichiosis, salmonellosis, dysentery.
  2. Nutrition - the first signs of indigestion are vomiting and diarrhea. When the child tears and hurts the stomach - it is necessary to immediately exclude this reason.
  3. Allergic reaction to the use of drugs, the introduction of new products in the diet of babies.
  4. The consequences of prolonged use of antibiotics - dysbiosis.
  5. Diseases of the stomach - gastroesophageal reflux, pilorospazm, intussusception, gastritis, duodenitis.
  6. Violations of the central nervous system - increased intracranial pressure, cerebral ischemia, hydrocephalus, brain tumor.
  7. Psychological factors - stress, fear, compulsion to eat.

The baby vomits without fever and diarrhea

Often there are situations when a small child vomits without temperature. There are several main reasons for explaining this phenomenon:

  1. Regurgitation is a physiological reaction after eating, when a small portion of food comes out with the air.
  2. Overfeeding - if the portion size is incorrectly calculated, some of the food is removed from the body by a single vomiting.
  3. Invagination of the intestine - violation of patency, accompanied by gastric spasms with the release of part of the contents.
  4. Pylorospasm is a sharp, sudden contraction of the muscles in the narrow part of the stomach. Because of this, food does not fall down, but is pushed back together with vomit.

The child is tearing with bile

Determining the causes of vomiting in a child, doctors always pay attention to the nature of vomit and their contents. The presence of bile gives them a yellow or greenish tinge. Among the possible causes of such a violation:

  1. Pylorosthenosis is the narrowing of one of the parts of the stomach, in which the process of food movement into the intestine is disturbed. Pathology develops more often in the first months of life.
  2. Pilorospazm - spasmodic muscles pylorus. There is a regurgitation of part of the eaten food, even one hour after eating.
  3. Obstruction of the intestine - is caused by a violation of the established diet.
  4. Invagination of the intestine is a pathology in which part of the intestine is implanted into another. It develops because of increased mobility of the rectum. Provoke adenovirus and other infections.

The child is tearing with water

The reasons for such symptoms can be many. Severe vomiting in an infant may be triggered by a teething process. In older children, vomiting with water can be a consequence:

In such cases, a large amount of mucus is produced in the upper respiratory tract. Descending down the nasopharynx, it irritatively affects the mucous membrane of the mouth, the nasal cavity. This can cause increased peristalsis, which results in vomiting. Vomit does not contain foreign substances, food pieces. It should be noted that vomiting in a young child can occur against the background of general well-being, with increased dryness of the air, with an allergic reaction, as a result of prolonged exposure to cold air.

The child is tearing with mucus

Vomiting in the child in this case begins with an attack of severe nausea. Sharp breathing is increased, a large amount of saliva is produced. When the baby began to vomit and Mom noticed the appearance of mucus in the vomit masses, the first thing to exclude is poisoning with chemical compounds or drugs. Also, this symptomatology may indicate a foreign body entering the esophagus, which irritates the mucosa. Among other reasons:

  1. Surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity: obstruction of the intestine , acute cholecystitis, appendicitis .
  2. Food poisoning.
  3. Stress caused by experiences, strong emotions, nervous overload.

What should I do if my baby is vomiting?

To find out what to stop vomiting in a child, doctors initially determine the cause. Before applying to specialists, parents should provide the patient with peace, help him in the resumption of a fit of vomiting.

It is necessary to act as follows:

  1. The child is laid in bed, the head is turned to one side. Under the neck and chin, put a towel for repeated vomiting.
  2. The breast is picked up, laying on one side.
  3. During an attack, the child is given a vertical position, the body is tilted slightly forward.
  4. After each attack, the mouth is rinsed with clean water, and the child is washed.

Medication against vomiting

Wanting to help your baby, parents often wonder what to give a child when they vomit. Treatment is carried out in two directions: symptomatic - relief of health, and the main - is aimed at excluding the cause. To vomit in a child quickly stopped, use the following drugs:

To reduce intoxication use sorbents:

If vomiting is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms, antibiotics are used:

Folk remedies for vomiting and nausea

Talking about how to stop vomiting in a child, doctors note the permissibility of using folk remedies. Among the simple and effective recipes are the following.

Dill seeds


Preparation, application

  1. Seeds pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Put on the fire and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Cool, filter.
  4. Give the child 20-50 ml every 2 hours.

Melissa infusion


Preparation, application

  1. The grass is poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 5 hours, filter.
  3. Give instead of drinking, in small portions.