Jennifer Aniston - the latest news

Over the years, periodically in the tabloids print news about Jennifer Aniston. Judging by them, she had already been pregnant many times, almost every couple of months. They say that the actress is tired of fighting this and perceives everything with humor.

However, her fans have always hoped that at some point these rumors will turn out to be truthful. After all, Jennifer and her husband Justin Teru underwent a course of treatment against infertility. And then the couple moved from the bustling Los Angeles to a cozy place in New York.

The latest news that Jennifer Aniston was pregnant in the fall of 2015. In addition, the actress gained weight, but explained this by the fact that she got rid of the long-standing habit of smoking, and her appetite increased.

Valentine's Day 2016

On her forty-seventh birthday, Jennifer, who looked beautiful and slender, wore a mini-skirt. She was wearing high boots and sheepskin coat, and it was in this form that photographers photographed her. Visiting the Rodgers Theater, according to the latest news, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Thero decided to wear what is convenient. The satellite of the actress also gave preference to jeans and a sweater.

When the journalists asked Justin about the gift, he explained that he simply gave his wife a credit card.

After a while, in the Instagram of the actor appeared a gentle photo of Jennifer, sitting at the window in the restaurant of the Eiffel Tower. There, the couple visited the Valentine's Day. They were in Paris as part of the ongoing tour of the film "Exemplary Male 2", which had previously been presented in England, Germany and Spain.

Irregular ladies

But Jennifer not only idly spends time. There are new films in which it is shot. So, Jennifer Aniston starred in one of the main roles in the comedy "Inexperienced ladies", where her partners were Julia Roberts and Kate Hudson. To the starry trio, Jason Sudeykis also joined the project.

This film is divided into several stories, in the center of which is one of the fair sex. Every woman has her own complicated story. To their difficult destiny is added and the story of a man who without a mother raises a daughter.

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The world premiere of the film is planned for the end of April 2016.