3 month of pregnancy

As you know, pregnancy is a long and complicated process, as a result of which a little man appears in the light. Each expectant mother should monitor her health throughout gestation and treats with care all changes in health. Let's take a closer look at this gestation period, like the 3rd month of pregnancy, and we will name the main signs present at this time.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy at 3 months?

As a rule, most women by now know about their situation. Exception can be made only by those representatives of the fair sex, in whom dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea were noted before. Therefore, the absence of menstruation in such women is not a cause for concern.

If you call specific signs of pregnancy, then for a given period are characterized by:

At this time, any pregnancy test will give a positive result.

What changes occur with a pregnant woman at this time?

The belly of a future mother at 3 months of pregnancy begins to grow actively, because to hide this fact from others becomes more difficult. It slightly increases in size, but in women of lean physique at a given time, it is already possible to determine the pregnancy visually.

If you specifically talk about how the belly looks at 3 months of pregnancy, most women have a slight increase in its lower third. It is in this part that a small bump is formed, which is similar to what is observed after a dense dinner, for example. Quite noticeable changes are noted in the mammary gland. Frequent in this period of gestation piercing, breast enlargement, which is accompanied by a slight itch. On the surface of the skin, many future mothers notice the appearance of a venous network.

The state of health of women in the situation, as a rule, at this time is normal, but the mood is unstable. For this period, characterized by tearfulness, incontinence, increased irritability. As a result, often the pregnant woman notes the appearance of fatigue, a feeling of tiring, which requires a longer rest and support from relatives.

What changes occur with the fetus at 3 months?

Starting from 10-11 weeks of gestation, the baby begins to be called a fruit, not an embryo. As a rule, by this time, the period of embryonic development is practically over. Therefore, all the axial organs of the body: the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, brain and spinal cord, the kidneys are formed and begin to function.

At this stage there is a formation of a child's place, the placenta, which all gestation will carry out the connection of the fetus with the mother. It is worth noting that the final maturation of this anatomical formation occurs only by the 20th week of the gestational process.

The main organ of hematopoiesis in the future baby at the considered stage is the liver. That's why the composition of the blood of the baby differs from the mother.

Active changes are noted in the brain of the baby: furrows and hemispheres are formed. This testifies to the development of the nervous system and the improvement of reflexes: by the 11th-12th week a grasping process develops, and for 1-2 weeks later it is sucking.

With regard to the size of the fetus, then at 3 months of pregnancy, the length of his torso reaches 7.5-9 cm. The extremities are already clearly discernible. Externally, the body of the fetus has a curved shape and resembles a large fishing hook. Directly so externally and the child looks on such term, as the third month of pregnancy.