Ringworm during pregnancy

During the fetal gestation, the immune system of the expectant mother is greatly weakened. Often during pregnancy, lichen may appear, and the woman wants to know what the consequences of this disease can be. Let's figure it out!

The appearance of lichen in pregnant women raises a natural question - is it dangerous? With timely access to a doctor, the disease will not harm either mother or fetus. Ointments have only a local effect and do not affect the body as a whole.

Varieties of depriving pregnant women

The imbalance of the hormonal background often causes a pregnant woman to develop lichen. His appearance is not always associated with the four-legged pets living in the apartment. Only a dermatologist can diagnose and prescribe the treatment.

  1. Peregrine lichen. Quite often during pregnancy, it is this lichen that is caused by the pathogen Malassezia. These are spots of various diameters and shapes that predominantly appear in the pubic region, the inner surface of the thigh and on the large labia.
  2. Such lichen does not cause any discomfort, but causes only an aesthetic discrepancy. Therefore, if his treatment is carried out, then only after childbirth and the end of breastfeeding. Basically by the time the hormonal background of a woman is normalized and the problem goes by itself.

  3. Pink lichen. Another type of lichen that can occur in pregnant women, especially those prone to allergies. As in the previous version, this type of disease is not contagious and does not require treatment. It arises from hypothermia, a change in diet, an allergic reaction.
  4. Shingles. This kind of fungal skin damage is caused by a herpetic infection. The spots, located on the body in the form of a belt, are intolerably sore, and therefore the disease needs treatment and medical control.