Eggs in a Neapolitan manner

All those who watched the well-known detective TV series "Kamenskaya" remember how the main heroine cooked her husband's boasted eggs in Neapolitan style, making them in a shell with a cucumber. Many even rushed to look for a recipe for this delicacy on the Internet or in numerous culinary books in the hope of finding a recipe for this kind of food. In fact, if you read this episode in the book by Alexandra Marinina, on the motives of which the film was shot, it becomes clear that the scenario of the series has changed in this case beyond recognition. About any shell, let alone cucumbers, there is no question, and the heroine of the book prepares eggs in Neapolitan according to the classic Italian recipe. Below we will tell you how to implement it at home and enjoy the true Italian flavor, and also offer a variation of stuffed eggs , which can also be served as both hot and cold appetizers for a feast.

How to cook Neapolitan eggs - a classic recipe



Eggs of choice chicken we boil for ten minutes after boiling, then we shift them immediately with a whisk for a minute into ice water, and then clean and cut along into two equal parts.

We also cook until ready for rice, after which we mix it with a third part of butter, half the grinded hard cheese, ground black pepper or a mixture of several kinds and squeezed garlic, and then put it into a greased oat form for baking a suitable size. At the top, we spread the halves of the eggs with a cut upwards and very slightly weap them into the rice mass. We rub the food with the remaining oil, wiping it on the grater (the oil should be well-chilled), sprinkle with chopped parsley and the remaining cheese shavings.

It remains only to bake the dish in a heated oven to 210 degrees for fifteen minutes and we can serve it by cutting into portions and shifting each to a plate.

Stuffed eggs in a Neapolitan way



To cook in a Neapolitan stuffed eggs, they need to boil hard, clean and cut along half-and-half. Boil rice cake until soft, mix it with a larger half of the grated cheese, squeezed out with garlic, mashed yolk and season it with salt and pepper. Fill the resulting mass of halves of eggs, put them in a tank for baking, tattoo the remaining cheese chips and send for several minutes in a heated oven. Before serving, rub the dish with chopped parsley and ground sweet paprika.

Neapolitan eggs are often cooked with the addition of other ingredients, including roasted bacon or sliced ​​ham in the rice mass, adding green peas or various vegetables. There are also a lazy version of the dish, which involves the addition of raw eggs to rice and the further preparation of food in the form of a casserole.

In addition to traditional pepper, fragrant dry Italian herbs will also be in the dish. You can add them to taste before baking the food in the oven.