Treatment of cystitis in breastfeeding is the safest and most effective way

Such an infectious process, as cystitis, is often recorded in women in the postpartum period . At this time the body is greatly weakened, local immunity is reduced - simple hypothermia causes a disease of the genitourinary system. Let's talk about how the treatment of cystitis during breastfeeding is carried out, we will name medicines and means of struggle.

Cystitis with GV - causes

Developed cystitis after childbirth requires careful diagnosis and the appointment of appropriate therapy. Among the possible factors that provoke the disease doctors call:

  1. Injury to the bladder. In childbirth the hollow organ experiences strong pressure from the fetus moving along the birth canal. As a result, the probability of traumatization of its walls increases.
  2. Disturbances of blood circulation in the small pelvis.
  3. Conducting medical procedures ( catheterization ).
  4. Applying cold to the bottom of the abdomen. After the appearance of the baby in the light in the rod to the woman put an ice pack to reduce blood loss. Prolonged use of it causes cystitis.
  5. Hormonal restructuring. The change in the concentration of hormones in the blood often causes a disruption in the functioning of the immune system.
  6. Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene.

Cystitis in lactation - what to do?

Most drugs are partially supplied to milk. Because of this, the treatment of cystitis in breastfeeding involves some difficulties. Changing the composition, taste or smell is the cause of the baby's failure from the breast, and the effect of some - negatively affects the health of the crumbs. In addition, cystitis after childbirth, whose breastfeeding treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, can negatively affect the condition of the reproductive system in general.

It must be remembered that individual drugs can completely reduce the volume of synthesized milk, reducing the lactation period. Taking into account all the nuances, treatment of cystitis with GV is prolonged. Its success depends entirely on observing the recommendations of the doctors and their instructions. Spontaneous intake of medicinal plants adversely affects the health of the baby.

Preparations for cystitis in lactation

Treatment of cystitis with lactation is a long process, requiring constant monitoring by physicians. The disease can be overcome only by complex therapeutic measures. The basis for this is such drugs as:

Tablets from cystitis on herbs

Because of the ban on the use of drugs, nursing often recommends funds on a plant basis. When therapy is often doctors use tablets on herbs from cystitis, in women breast-feeding. Among them:

These drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Treatment of cystitis with continued breastfeeding them, reduces soreness in the bladder and kidneys. The presence of a diuretic effect helps to quickly wash out the infection from the urinary system. Any medicine for cystitis on herbs is used for a long time, can be used for preventive purposes. The duration of use and dosage is indicated by the physician. Cystitis, herbal treatment which begins when the first symptoms appear, disappears in 10 days.

Drops from cystitis

This form of drugs greatly facilitates their reception. Among the most common is Urolesan. He is able to stop the inflammatory process, excluding painful sensations, reducing the amount of urination. But often doctors are not recommended to undergo cystitis treatment during lactation with this drug.

Doctors refer to the fact that there have been no clinical studies on possible negative effects on the baby. In addition, it should be borne in mind that Urolean contains mint in the composition. This plant is able to suppress lactation, reducing the synthesis of breast milk, changing its taste. Because of this, it is administered with caution, only by the doctor's decision.

Antibiotic for cystitis in HBV

Often, the treatment of cystitis in women with breastfeeding can not do without the use of antibacterial drugs. With the correct selection of an antibiotic, it is possible to completely get rid of the disorder and its manifestations in 5-7 days. The appointment should be carried out taking into account the type of pathogen. To install it spend a smear from the urethra.

Among the commonly used drugs of this group is:

The last 3 groups of drugs are prescribed, when the carried out sowing revealed such pathogens as mycoplasmas, chlamydia. These antibacterial drugs enter the breast milk, so for the period of their use, breast-feeding should be stopped. To prevent lactostasis, which leads to the development of mastitis, the breast is expressed according to the number of feedings.

Treatment of cystitis in breastfeeding folk remedies

This method of therapy is used as additional methods. Before applying a specific prescription, it is worth consulting with a doctor about its acceptability in this case. It is necessary to remember that each organism is individual, and one recipe gives a different effect in 2 ladies. Often helps such a tool as millet from cystitis, the recipe of which is as follows: 2/3 of a glass of cereals pour 0.5 liters of water, leave for the night. After that, infusion filter and drink during the day for half a cup 3 times a day.

Heat, applied locally, reduces inflammation, facilitates the patient's well-being. Often, women suffering from cystitis use a heating pad, or a simple plastic bottle, which is filled with hot water and placed between the legs. At the same time, for a better effect, they are rolled into a warm blanket. This treatment of cystitis in breastfeeding significantly reduces soreness.

Collection of herbs in cystitis

Treatment of cystitis with breastfeeding is not without the use of medicinal herbs. It should be borne in mind that each plant has a certain therapeutic effect. Before using it, it is better to consult a specialist. Here are some recipes:

  1. Air marsh - 2 parts, St. John 's wort - 5 parts, flax seeds - 3 parts, lemon balm - 2 parts, sporish - 5, bearberry - 5, fennel - 2. Take 5-6 tablespoons of collection, brew 1 liter of boiling water, insist 6 hours . Drink a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  2. The root of the aira is 30 g, cornflower blue 40 g, nettle 50 g, flax seeds 20 g, juniper 30 g, chamomile 40 g, violet 50 g. Method of preparation and course is the same.