Pistachio ice cream

Homemade ice cream is an amazingly tasty and refreshing option for summer dessert. We want to tell you today how to make pistachio ice cream. It has a wonderful rich taste, a delightful appearance and does not contain any chemical additives, in contrast to the purchased treats.

The recipe for pistachio ice cream



So, first of all, we clean from the shell of pistachios, or we immediately buy ready-made salted. A few nuts are put aside for decoration, and all the rest is crushed in a blender to the state of crumbs.

Now, separately beat the egg with sugar so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, take exactly a glass of cream, lightly heat them and gradually pour into the egg mass, while still whipping. Separately whip the remaining cream until a thick foam, and then mix them with the egg-milk mixture.

After that, add the pistachio crumb, carefully mix this air and carefully pour it into the ice cream maker. We cook about 40 minutes, so that as a result we have a gentle thick ice cream. If you do not have a home of such a device, then simply pour the finished mixture into containers and send it to the freezer for 3 hours. During this time we take the treat from the refrigerator several times and mix it thoroughly. Before serving, lay out the finished pistachio ice cream on small glass vases, decorate the top with chopped pistachios and fresh sprigs of mint.

Ice-cream pistachio with almonds



In a food processor, grind 1 glass of pistachios and a half serving of sugar to a homogeneous mass. Then we put this mass in a saucepan and pour it with milk. We put the dishes on a weak fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Then gently remove from the plate and add almond extract. In a small bowl, whisk the egg yolks with the remaining sugar, and then slowly introduce the hot pistachio mass and pour again into the pan.

We send it again to a small fire and cook, stirring, until the mixture thickens. After that, filter it into a large bowl and let it cool for exactly 2 hours. Next, put the whipped cream and crushed pistachios, mix and spread the mass into a container. We remove the delicacy for several hours in the freezer, mixing ice cream every half hour.

Pistachio ice cream at home



First, grind the cleaned pistachio shells in a blender, and then mix them with milk and put it on a slow fire. As soon as the milk begins to boil, remove it from the heat and cool it down to about 40 degrees. This time, whisk the egg yolks with a mixer, pouring to them 50 grams of powdered sugar. Next, pour out to them in small portions milk with pistachios and put the mixture for 15 minutes in a water bath. As soon as the mass slightly thickens, remove it and quickly cool it.

After that, we remove the treat for 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator for further cooling. Separately whisk well the cream with the remaining powdered sugar until thick foam develops. Now we take out the refrigerated mass from the refrigerator and connect it with whipped cream. We pour the finished ice cream into a deep plastic container, close it with a lid and remove it for 4 hours in the freezer.