Pork kidneys - recipe

Pig kidneys can not cook everything, and this product is not very popular. But if you still master the technique of their correct pretreatment and stock up a successful recipe for cooking, then no doubt the opinion about this byproduct will change for the better.

Next we will tell you how you can cook pork kidneys deliciously and without a smell and offer a recipe for their preparation in sour cream with mushrooms.

How to cook pork kidney, stewed in sour cream - recipe with mushrooms



Before you start directly preparing a dish from the kidneys, they need to be properly prepared, namely to get rid of the unpleasant odor accompanying this product. This can be done by soaking it in milk or in vinegar, followed by digestion. We will tell you in detail how to perform this procedure.

If you decide to use milk as an odor neutralizer, you must pour them with pre-washed, cut in half and freed from the ducts of pork kidneys and soak for three hours. When using white vinegar, mix it in the amount of one glass with a tablespoon of salt and soak the prepared kidneys in such a substance for an hour. After an acidic environment, additional washing of the kidneys under running water will be required for twenty minutes. After milk, the product can be washed twice.

Whatever the pork kidneys are soaked in, they must be boiled in addition. To do this, fill the product with clean water, bring to a boil, boil a couple of minutes, and change the water to a new one. Again let the water boil. Repeat this procedure three times, and only after that we proceed to extinguish.

We cut the buds into cubes or cubes and brown them in hot sunflower oil, adding onions, cut into half-rings. Seven minutes we lay in advance washed and chopped mushrooms and after another seven minutes grated pickles or sliced ​​salty cucumbers. There we send sour cream, we throw dry laurel leaves, peas of sweet pepper, one or two pinches of ground black pepper and salt. Stir everything, let it boil and let the dish under the lid for ten minutes, reducing the intensity of the fire to a minimum. Now we throw in a container with kidneys melenko chopped greens and squeezed garlic teeth, let the dish take ten minutes to stand, and we can serve it, supplemented with boiled potatoes .