Treatment of pancreatitis with medicines - 5 main types of medications and treatment regimens

Pancreatitis is a serious disease associated with inflammation of the pancreas and in the absence of proper attention to the problem leading to complications. Treatment of pancreatitis with medicines is the first step, as a rule, the therapy of the disease begins with it. There are many drugs that effectively relieve the ailment.

How correctly to treat a pancreatitis?

Inflammation of the pancreas occurs when enzymes that split it are activated in the gland. Pancreatitis develops in different forms, there are two of them: acute and chronic. The degree of the disease depends on his treatment. At the first detection of pathology, analgesic drugs and antiferments are prescribed, and preparations for chronic pancreatitis (sluggish) include agents for stimulating secretion, antispasmodics and a group of other agents. The three main rules are: to provide the patient peace, a gentle diet and cold to remove swelling.

Based on the symptoms prescribed medication for pancreatitis, stop the accompanying symptoms. It is important to pay attention (with a view to eliminating) the pathologists from which the course of the disease begins, especially if it is:

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis with medicines

If pancreatitis is diagnosed, a provoking disease is found and treatment is performed from it, but without success, the pathology can be considered chronic. In the tissue there was inflammation, and a complex therapy aimed at the removal of symptoms is needed. What drugs to take with pancreatitis of chronic form? The treatment scheme is as follows:

Treatment of acute pancreatitis with medicines

Acute pancreatitis is more difficult to diagnose, there are difficulties when the symptoms are similar to other pathologies. The patient feels unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart, shoulder blades, shoulder, hypochondrium. Discomfort extends to the left side of the body, there is acute pain. After a plentiful meal there is a heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, diarrhea . The condition worsens, and it is possible to carry out treatment in the hospital and pancreas surgery. The doctor prescribes the medications that ease the patient's condition in acute pancreatitis:

What drugs to treat pancreatitis?

Successful treatment of pancreatic pathology is a long process. To restore the normal functioning of the gland and the production of pancreatic juice, different methods are used. The main thing is taking medication. In the restoration of the gland, medicines play a major role. Under the close supervision of a gastroenterologist, inflammation of the pancreas is blocked, treatment, drugs are prescribed by a specialist.

Painkillers for pancreatitis

One of the most unpleasant symptoms of the disease is pain syndrome. The discomfort can be so intolerable that the patient breathes and speaks with difficulty. The pain is strong, it gives back, lower back and other parts of the body, indicating which part of the body is affected. Then doctors prescribe drugs for exacerbation of pancreatitis: strong analgesics, non-steroid drugs, narcotic analgesics taken intravenously. Treatment of pancreatitis with anesthetics of several groups is being carried out.

  1. H2-blockers of histamine receptors. Reducing the production of pancreatic enzymes, the drugs that regulate the secretory function are called Famotidine, Ranitidine.
  2. If you need to relieve spasms and facilitate enzyme excretion, prescribe spasmolytic drugs. With severe pain, Papaverin, Atropine, Aprofen, No-Shpa are used .
  3. Nonsteroid medications taken with inflammation and pain - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Nimesil. They stop pain and fever.
  4. Analgesics. For example, Baralgin, Analgin.
  5. Buprenorphine and Tramadol are powerful agents that are administered intramuscularly.

Anti-inflammatory drugs with pancreatitis

During the disease, the affected pancreas is digested by its own enzymes, and the body experiences intoxication. Anti-inflammatory drugs should raise the threshold of pain sensitivity, widen the blood vessels adjacent to the inflammation focus, and strengthen the body's natural struggle with inflammation. This group of drugs prevents the formation of thrombi and has an anti-allergic effect. Treatment of acute pancreatitis with medicines at home is possible, but it is better to entrust your health to professionals.

Known drug regimens:

  1. 2 cubes of Analgin and 3 ml of Baralgina, intramuscularly. The course is adjusted by the doctor and is about a week.
  2. Fenicaberan (2 ml / 0.25% r-ra), Atropine (1 cube of 1% solution) and Papaverine (4/2%).
  3. Intramuscular reception No-shpy and Platifillin (1 ml in the morning and in the evening). Possible additional administration of Prostanone.
  4. When the disease worsens, antibiotics can be prescribed: Cefuroxime, Ampiox, Levomycetin and others.

Antiferment preparations for pancreatitis

After arresting a pain attack and ending with an acute period, the treatment of pancreatitis with medications involves taking medications containing amylase, lipase, and trypsin. Enzyme preparations with pancreatitis: Creon, Pancitrat, Penzinorm, Mezim, fat-soluble vitamins and other medicines. In some cases (and when the syndrome is primary) prescribe anti-enzyme drugs intravenously. They block the activity of some fermentation agents, but they have a lot of negative side effects. To the preparations carry:

Antacids in pancreatitis

In addition to enzyme agents, antacid preparations are prescribed to treat pancreatitis, which increase the effectiveness of their action. To reduce gastric acidity, alkaline mixtures are used, for example, Almagel, Fosfalugel and the like. These drugs eliminate exocrine insufficiency, leading to a violation of the proper functioning of the duodenum, and the level of acidity of pancreatic juice in the stomach decreases.

Cholagogue preparations for pancreatitis

To achieve such effects as reducing the secretory load on the pancreas, eliminating edema and stagnation of bile, improving digestion resort to the use of cholagogue. When medication is administered for pancreatitis, the medication is prescribed by the doctor and, with his permission, the herb can be supplemented with herbs containing components such as vitamin C, essential oils, grape sugar, tar, menthol, flavones, flavonoids, tannins, etc. The most commonly used tablets are pancreatitis, such drugs as:

Scheme treatment of pancreatitis with medications - drugs

In modern medicine, a number of methods and techniques are used, with the help of which the attacks of pancreatitis are eliminated. The main role in them is played by pharmacological agents. But it is important to consider that pancreatitis is an urgent condition, the treatment of which is carried out in a hospital. Often, patients are hospitalized, put a dropper, supporting the work of various organs and systems, prescribing medications to relieve the symptoms of the disease. Intensive care measures supplement drugs in pancreatitis, which prevent the destruction of pancreatic tissues and kill the infection.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis in the home - drugs

Treatment of pancreatic inflammation with medicines is possible at home, but on condition that the patient will keep in touch with the doctor, and the worst is over. This is especially true of the uncomplicated form of the disease. It is important to ensure complete peace, to follow a diet. Pain syndrome is removed with analgesics and antibiotics. If the attack is not the first, a person can take medication:

The goals of therapy for acute disease are prevention of systemic complications, necrosis and infection. Heavy pancreatitis can lead to other pathologies, and the treatment scheme depends on them. If the condition is unstable, the pressure jumps, the doctor prescribes medication to normalize the condition:

Treatment of acute pancreatitis with medicines in a hospital

In most cases, when the disease occurs in acute form, hospitalization is required. The therapy is under the supervision of doctors in the hospital. In the first days of stay in the hospital prescribed a strict diet, even starvation. In order to remove intoxication, large volumes of liquid, including glucose and saline, are placed in droppers, with pancreatitis drugs are given and intramuscularly, and intravenously. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, different medications are prescribed:

  1. Spasmolytics (Ketanov, Spazmalgon) remove pain in the stomach.
  2. Enzyme drugs reduce the activity of the pancreas (drugs such as Sandostatin, Contrikal).
  3. Possible reception of narcotic analgesics, but under the strict control of the doctor (Hydromoron, Meperidin).

In any form and degree of disease, the treatment of pancreatitis with medications should be under the supervision of a doctor who is familiar with the history of the disease and knows the causes of the development of pathology. It is advisable to begin therapy at an early stage, until the ailment causes complications and does not go to the chronic stage.