Pair Yoga

Practicing yoga for two can shock the most advanced and modern people: in class you may be asked to strip naked, pair with a stranger, and at the same time they will say to treat him like a clot of energy.

But in fact, a pair of yoga is not a sect, not debauchery. This is quite a decent occupation, training - only not muscles, but internal energy. With the help of asanas of pair yoga, people get rid of energy blocks, from hypersexuality, from complexes. In principle, the practice of pair yoga can be called with a clear conscience psychological training. And if the goal and result are the same, then the means of achievement is slightly different. In the exercises of pair yoga, you can be hindered by too close, even intimate, contact with a stranger, and on group therapy - you will be stripped naked by your own words and stories about your personal feelings, events, problems.

In the West, yoga for beginners is very popular. It is often called Trust Yoga (yoga of trust), and we still have the name "lazy yoga". The beauty of pair training (you can engage with a sexual partner, friend, girlfriend, child or a stranger - the psychological effect will differ) is that you will be able to master the asanas that were not given to you earlier. In addition, the main advantage is that it's really "trust" - when we are engaged in pairs, we learn to trust people.

Pair yoga is similar to yoga massage or to tantra yoga. In such cases, it is directed not at physical development, but at enhancing and harmonizing sexual energy.


When you work with a partner, you must represent it as a masculine embodiment of energy. Do not pay attention to his personality, what he means to you. It's just your partner, and you are doing yourself for yourself with a bunch of energy.

  1. It is aimed at getting into the right state, relaxing. They got up on their feet, put their feet on the width of the pelvis, feet in parallel, knees bent, pelvis forward, neck back, crown top. Shoulders hang, hands free. Simply lower and relax the body, rising to the toe, and moving, as if vibrating. Completely immerse yourself in your senses, relax your body. We smoothly stop. Attention to yourself, follow the sensations, felt the contact of the heel with the floor.
  2. Move the contact point to the vertex, take a deep breath, open your eyes, turn to your partner. Looking into the eyes of the partner, you need to stay inside yourself while looking, but not focusing on the partner. Now the partners establish a common rhythm of breathing, the movements become synchronous, the body is relaxed. You can move together. We take a small step towards each other, hands with our hands directed to meet each other, without touching. Try to feel the energy that comes from the palms of the partner, and we radiate in his side partner.
  3. Turn your back to each other, contact with your back, completely. Two points of contact - in the region of the sacrum and in the region of the scapula. They leaned on each other, the body relaxed. A little step forward from each other, leaning even more strongly. The case must be vertical. Knees slightly bent. The hands turned their palms toward each other, not touching and sensing the energy flow of the partner. Draw together with your fingers. You can hold your fingertips with your fingertips. Close your eyes go to these sensations, touch each other. The shoulders are relaxed, you perceive your partner as a universal male or female energy.
  4. We finish, we turn our faces to each other. Thank the partner, hugging him. When we embrace the orchestra, do not hang on it, but just thank. Half a step back, namaste - they bowed to each other.