What can not be done on church holidays?

Many people know that nothing can be done on church holidays, but why such a ban has arisen, very few people understand. The meaning of such taboos is that the feast is for God, and not for worldly affairs. Such days are recommended to devote to caring and talking with loved ones.

What can not be done on church holidays?

It is important to note that the view that it is necessary to exclude any physical work on such days is incorrect, and is only a myth. In fact, there is a certain list of restrictions, which are more considered superstitions , and not a threat.

Many are interested in why it is impossible to sew on church holidays and what can happen if this prohibition is violated. Since ancient times, people did not pick up a needle on such days, especially on Christmas day, as this could lead to the loss of the sight of one of their close relatives.

Other bans on church holidays:

  1. It is not necessary to go to nature on such days and hunt. Killing an animal on a church holiday is considered a huge sin.
  2. Another urgent topic is why one can not wash on church holidays. In fact, this prohibition applies only to the morning time and then, if a person prefers taking a bath to the church in order to serve. The only taboo that touches the water, refers to the day of Elijah. It is believed that it is on this day that swimming in natural reservoirs is very dangerous, since they can cause death.
  3. On the day of St. John (September 11) it is not recommended to use sharp objects, especially to cut something round. This taboo appeared because it was on this day that John was cut off his head.
  4. On the first day of the Great Lent it is not recommended to the fair sex to visit guests and neighbors, as it is possible to attract problems and misfortunes to oneself.
  5. On the invention of it is recommended that all cases related to travel be postponed, as there is information that a person may disappear.
  6. On the Annunciation female representatives can not be braided, cut and dyed, since this can cause a break up with a loved one.
  7. On the day of Saint Basil the Great, a man must enter the house first. It is believed that it will bring all the inhabitants health and happiness.

Another relevant topic, why in church holidays can not be erased. In fact, this prohibition also arose due to the fact that on such days it is worth to devote time to God and close people, and not to work around the house.