Chronic Colitis Symptoms

Inflammation, localized on the mucous membranes of the colon, collectively called chronic colitis - the symptoms of the disease combine various dyspeptic and systemic disorders. Pathology proceeds for a long time, often a consequence of an acute form.

Symptoms of chronic colitis

Main clinical manifestations:

Depending on the nature of the disease pathogenesis is slightly different. For example, the symptoms of chronic ulcerative and spastic colitis of the intestine are accompanied by a throw of the acid content of the stomach and bile in the colon. As a result of the described process, erosive lesions of the mucosa occur, motor and peristalsis are significantly reduced, and nutrient absorption is deteriorating. This is manifested as follows:

All of the above symptoms can be observed more or less pronounced in accordance with the regimen of the day and the diet of the patient. If the patient adheres to a sparing diet with the restriction of fatty foods, sugars and simple carbohydrates, the symptoms of colitis do not appear often, the pain is moderate, and stool disorders are observed not more often 1-2 times a week.

Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic colitis

The main clinical manifestation of pathology during relapse is severe pain in the abdomen. It has a spastic character, at night it becomes mostly deaf and aching. The syndrome is localized most often in the iliac region to the left. When palpation and palpation, painful contractions are determined in certain areas of the large intestine. In this case, the lumen is enlarged, especially after eating. Strengthening of painful sensations occurs during eating of fatty, smoked or very spicy dishes. The discomfort disappears after defecation and the escape of the released gases.

Another characteristic symptom of an exacerbation is bloating. It occurs because the inflammatory process significantly disturbs the balance of the intestinal microflora. Pathogenic bacteria in the process of vital activity, toxic products are released in the form of gases.

Violations of the consistency of the stool are characterized by long and painful constipation. Cal is, as a rule, fragmented, covered with whitish mucus. Emptying the bowels is difficult, causes uncomfortable sensations. Then, constipation begins to give way to diarrhea. The stool is poorly formed or liquid, has light mucous and pink impurities (due to discharge of blood). Often there is a large amount of feces of a greenish shade with an unpleasant odor and impregnations of undigested food.

Relapses of chronic colitis, in addition to the above features, are characterized by strong emotional overload. The patient's quality of life deteriorates sharply, which causes sleep disturbances ( insomnia along with weakness), frequent mood changes, depressive disorders, marked irritability and even aggression.