Design of an office in a private house

Many active people prefer to do part of the work at home, for this they set up a separate room in which the household will not interfere with work. The interior design of a study in a private house should provide a comfortable and comfortable environment for activities, to match the temperament and character of the host.

Home cabinet design features

To arrange this room is better away from everyone, so as not to interfere with extraneous noise. Often, a separate small cabinet with a neat design is equipped in the attic room of the house, on the balcony. You can even arrange a working area in the living room behind the partition. The main thing is to fit a minimal set of furniture.

The design of the cabinet in the house can be decorated in a classic style , with inserts of wood, columns. A massive wooden table, leather armchair will give the room an aristocratic and businesslike look.

Fans of minimalism will like hi-tech without unnecessary details, everything settles down simply and with convenience.

When the owner is a creative person, you can use the modern design of the cabinet in the house, use elegant lines, unusual color combinations.

From the color range it is better to stop on beige, peach, golden tones. Bright shades will irritate and distract from activity.

From the furniture for the office is installed a traditional set - a table, a working chair, shelves or a bookcase. When enough space, you can put a coffee table and a couple of chairs for rest.

Stylish office will emphasize the level of prosperity of the owner, his preferences and tastes. Often, according to the set of accessories (globes, souvenirs from abroad, weapons, animal models, paintings), you can determine the owner's passion. Private interior will help create a creative mood for a person, will set it on business.