How to cook cod?

Cod is a valuable commercial sea fish with a white layered flesh structure. This fish is lean and contains many necessary substances for the human body, which makes it one of the most common, inexpensive and preferred products.

While useful, the flesh of the cod is somewhat dryish, in addition, it has a characteristic sharp enough and strong smell, so the preparation of various dishes from this popular fish requires a special approach.

We choose a good fish in the market or in the store (it is usually sold in freshly frozen form). If the fish is frozen, the ice crust should not be too thick. Of course, before cooking, the fish should be thawed, washed and gently dried.

How delicious to cook cod fillets?

In order for the cod to turn juicy, it must first be marinated. You can simply drizzle the fish with lemon juice and season with garlic and spices for some smell change (but do not overdo it with spices). You can use natural unsweetened yogurt or kefir or milk cream of not too high fat content as the basis of the marinade.

If you are going to fry cod, do not do it in a "shock" way on a hotly heated frying pan until rusty-golden in color. It is better to fry this fish in batter.

How to cook the cod in batter?

For batter:


We will cut the cod fillets with medium sized pieces. Let's make a batter: mix the egg with milk or cream and flour. Season with ground black pepper, maybe with other ground spices and salt. We carefully mix the whisk or fork (there should not be any lumps), we'll gently blow it up by hand.

Dip pieces of fish in a batter and fry in a pan on both sides on a moderate fire (not less than 5-8 minutes, but not more than 12). If necessary, we still languish under a lid for a while on a small fire. Well, that's all the cod in the batter is ready!

How to cook steak?

For batter:

The steak is roasted a little longer than the fillet pieces - this should be taken into account; the optimal steak thickness is 1-2 cm. You can first lightly fry the cod steaks (in batter or breaded in flour), and in another pan fry the finely chopped onion, sweet pepper and large grated carrots. Add a spoon, another tomato, garlic and spices, as well as a little chopped greens, for example, parsley.

We will extinguish the vegetables for 5 minutes, and then put it all "cover" on top of the fried fish. If the frying turned dry, add a little water or white wine. Stew on the smallest fire under the lid for another 8-12 minutes. So the fish will turn out juicy and will have a pleasant aroma. It is much more useful to bake cod with vegetables in the oven.

Cod baked with vegetables


Fish milling, cut into small pieces and put on a baking sheet, richly greased, and on top distribute the cut into not too small vegetables and greens. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Bake for no longer than 25 minutes. You can put the first layer in the form of cooked rice, lay on it pieces of fish, and on the top - vegetables, so it will also get delicious.

How to cook cod under a vegetable marinade, many housewives know, and you can cook marinade in the Far Eastern style. Slightly fried cod with polish marinade, made from lemon or lime juice, rice or natural fruit vinegar, garlic, hot red pepper, soy sauce and sesame oil. You can add a little sugar. In this sauce, you can protect the fish for 5-8 minutes or water the fish and bake.

We serve cod with rice or potatoes (of course, the last recipe is better rice), vegetable salads and light table wine or beer.