The evil in Slavic mythology - how to drive the evil from home?

In fact, that there is an unclean force, people believed since ancient times. Nuisances and problems in life they associated with the manifestation of demons, spirits, witches, goblins and other essences. This explains the existence of different legends and rituals related to the interaction of people and different creatures.

What is evil?

By this term understand different essences and otherworldly power, which can cause harm to a person. To believe in different demons , brownies, kikimor people began, because they could not scientifically explain many phenomena in life, for example, the forces of nature or death. It is believed that evil spirits, demons and different entities can exist both among humans and in the other world.

Is there evil?

Scientists have been trying for years to prove or deny the existence of otherworldly forces. Many legends, which for a long time frightened people, got an explanation, but about 10% of cases of manifestation of otherworldly forces left without explanation remain. There is a huge amount of people observing its manifestation, for example, that some see shadows, others hear sounds and even observe how objects move. Confirm the existence of the forces of evil psychics and esoteric.

Where does the evil spirits live?

Since there are many representatives of evil power, the information that they operate in different areas is understandable. There is an evil spirits in the apartment, and here they are more often called goblins and spirits. There are entities that manifest themselves only in a certain place, for example, in water, in the forest, and so on. There is an assumption that many representatives of the evil spirit live in parallel worlds, with which a person can interact, and not even voluntarily.

How to recognize evil spirits?

For many years, the description of numerous signs indicating the presence of dark forces has accumulated.

  1. Well feel the evil spirits of dogs and cats that can concentrate their eyes in a place where nothing is happening in real life. For unknown reasons, they can go up wool, and even the animals give out different sounds. All this indicates the presence of some entities nearby.
  2. There is a certain test, how can you determine whether there are "invisible inhabitants" in the house. To do this, you need to take a church candle, light it and walk with it to all corners of the house, moving clockwise. Evidence of the presence of essences the appearance of flares, crackles, children, and so on.
  3. There are many rituals known, how to see evil spirits, and many of them imply the use of a mirror, and you can also meditate for this purpose.
  4. Signs of the presence of dark forces in the house include strange smells, sounds and so on. In most cases, they manifest themselves after sunset.
  5. If evil spirits have settled in a person, then his behavior will change and mood jumps are often observed.

Scum - species

To establish at least some order among the representatives of the dark forces, different entities were divided into certain groups according to a number of characteristics. For those who are interested in what is evil, it is worthwhile to know about the existence of the main groups: spirits, vampires, ghosts, demons, different beings of embodiment, that is, those who really live on earth and they can be killed, and others.

Forest evil

There are many legends that describe how people died in the forest, encountering different entities and among them one can distinguish the following:

  1. Leshy . The main owner of the forest, who punished people for their bad attitude towards nature. His appearance was described in different ways, for example, in some legends he is represented by giants, and in others by a dwarf.
  2. Borovik . The younger brother of a lef, who looks like a big bear without a tail. He eats animals and even humans.
  3. Pain-Bosko . This evil spirits in the forest is represented by a small old man, who hides in the thickets of cranberries and cowberries. He is engaged in deceiving people, asking them for help in finding their basket with berries, and throws a loop around his neck and then drives his victim through the forest.
  4. The Mohawk . It is the spirit of mosses and lichens. This is the smallest forest devil. Before people, it manifests itself in the image of a ram or a pig. It is believed that he can eat disobedient children.

Swamp Trouble

In the legends of almost all peoples the swamp is considered an impure place, where several entities live:

  1. The swamp . It is a relative of the water and the devil, who is the ruler of swamps and marshes. He lives with his wife a swamp. Many are interested in what the evil looks like, and so the swamp is an elderly man with a puffy face. He makes harsh sounds, frightening people. He masks the swamps so that the victims fall into it.
  2. Swamp lights . These are the unconquered souls of babies who were not baptized, drunkards and drowned people. They are released by the swamp at night. They are blessed with blue light, luring people into the quagmire. It is believed that they can also point to the places where the treasures are hidden.
  3. Kikimora . This terrible evil spirits is one of the most famous. She always sits in the swamp, scares people with her laughter. As for appearance, the kykimora is small in height, thin, with green hair, and her body is adorned with marsh duckweed and seaweed. She often steals disobedient children.

Domestic evil spirits

In ancient times, the Slavs believed that in their homes there are different entities that can harm.

  1. Bannik . The evil spirit that lives in the bath. People believed that he was washing after all at night, so it was dangerous to go into the bath after sunset.
  2. Shish . Slavic evil spirits, which is also called a demon or devil. He gets into a man who has drunk a lot of alcohol.
  3. Sinister . Spirits that bring a lot of misfortunes to the house. They do not live in the same place and move from one dwelling to another. In addition, they always act as a group, not just one at a time.
  4. A house-yard . This evil spirits have a hatred for domesticated livestock, so it sends different animals to the animals.

How to deal with evil spirits?

To get rid of different entities, you can use the traditional techniques:

  1. In a place where the evil spirit has shown itself, you need to stick a nail or a knife.
  2. Above the front door is hung an aspen branch that will drive away representatives of dark forces.
  3. If you are interested in what the evil spirits are afraid of, then it is recommended to have birch branches in the house, consecrated to the Trinity. They do not like essence and chalk, for good reason, in ancient times, they whitewashed the walls, thus creating an invisible energy protection.
  4. Protect from evil the crosses, which must be painted on the walls from the outside and from the inside, using a church candle, bought on Pure Thursday. On this church holiday it is recommended to fumigate your house with juniper, Ledum or Heather.
  5. At Baptism, you need to bring water from the church and carefully sprinkle it on the yard and the house.

How to drive the evil from home?

There are many different rituals designed to cleanse the house of various evil spirits, as an example can lead to such options:

  1. It is necessary to bring holy water from the church and mix it with ordinary liquid from the tap in the proportion 1: 5. To sprinkle it with all the walls in the house, paying special attention to the corners. During this it is important to repeat any prayer, for example, "Our Father". In addition, you need to wash this water floors, and dirty water pour out at the intersection, saying the conspiracy number 1. The rag should also be left there. Going home, do not turn around and do not talk to anyone.
  2. Another simple way, how to lime the evil from home, involves the use of salt. To begin the ritual is necessary in the evening, when the sun no longer shines. In the left hand, take a handful of ordinary salt and better grind. Slowly walk around the whole house, alternately uttering "Our Father", then conspiracy number 2. Salt will absorb all the negative and cleanse the space, so it must be poured out at a crossroads away from your house. The rite will work if it is repeated for three days in a row.

How to drive out evil spirits from a person?

When a person enters into the being, his life begins to deteriorate and suffers. There are different rituals, how to drive out evil spirits, but the most effective is church exorcism . The ceremony can be performed only by clergymen having a specific permission. For example, there are church courses for teaching exorcists. They are needed so that the priest can distinguish between obsession and the manifestation of schizophrenia, properly conduct the ritual and purify the person of the demon.

The ritual can last several days, during which the priest reads prayers, bathes the possessed with holy water and baptizes him. If the essence in a person is strong, then it will be in all possible ways to escape, so often the victim must be fixed on the bed so that she does not injure herself and others. There are cases when several people "lived" at once several entities.

Dishonest in Slavic Mythology

Many representatives of the legends that were popular with the Slavs have already been mentioned, but there are other entities that cause fear in people.

  1. Bazul . This spirit in most myths is represented by a woman. He forced people to become vagrants, because of the huge number of problems. This mythological evil spirits has the image of an elderly woman who covers her body with a decrepit veil. In order to cope with this spirit, you need to thoroughly clean the house and throw away all the garbage.
  2. The aspid . This demon is represented in the form of a huge snake that breathes fire. Instead of a mouth, he has a large beak, and wings are black. Aspid lives in the mountains and hunts livestock.
  3. Anchutka . A small evil spirit, whose body is covered with thick hair, and on his head a bald head. This evilness among the ancient Slavs appeared on the first call. She likes to joke about people, but is very dangerous. Anchutka can turn into any beast, and even become invisible.

The evil in the Bible

In the Holy Scripture, the word "evil spirits" is not used, but this does not mean that there are no representatives of dark forces in the book. Fallen angels - the main assistants of Satan are the main opponents of the forces of good. Devils and demons, often spoken by believers and even by priests themselves, are bright representatives of the dark side. Infernal evil in people's lives manifests itself in different images, for example, in the form of woodpeckers, goblins, vampires and so on.

Books about evil spirits

Different entities, demons, otherworldly worlds, all this is often used by authors of fiction. Many stories about evil spirits have become cult and among the most popular works one can single out the following:

  1. "Night Watch" S. Lukyanenko . Legendary novel, which is based on the eternal opposition of the forces of good and evil.
  2. "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" N. Gogol . Classics, in which one of the main figures is the most popular representative of evil spirit - hell.
  3. "Master and Margarita" M. Bulgakov . In this book, many representatives of the dark forces are described, and even Satan himself.