Lose an earring - a sign

People's signs are a source of both superstition and experience. Perhaps our ancestors, observing the course of events, made certain conclusions that should warn descendants of danger, or portend happiness. But since then so much time has passed that the signs have mostly been preserved in the form of a spoiled phone. Just for this simple reason, to trust them or not is a private matter for everyone. True, for some reason, when faced with the events described in the signs, we all become a little superstitious.

The same goes for the well-known sign of losing the earring. At once we will emphasize that the sign has different meanings for men, women and girls.

A man loses an earring

Today, any man can afford to put in his ears (and not only in the ears) earring. However, earlier, the presence of such decorations spoke about the social status. For the sailors, it was the guard, which they kept the most precious treasure. For the soldiers - a symbol of prosperity. Cossacks earring in the ear inserted the only son - the hope of the family. What was to lose the earring in those days - judge for yourself. After all, this amounts to losing the most expensive thing that you have. Hence the sign that a man loses an earring to a great misfortune.

The girl loses her earring

For the girl, on the contrary, the loss of the earring meant happiness - a quick marriage. In the villages they said: "I've lost my earring-you'll find Alyoshka." And this sign is also understandable. Firstly, the "confusion" had to be something to console (and what could be more joyful for a girl than not marriage). Secondly, the sign almost always came true, because the girls then married early and massively.

Woman loses her earring

And what about what it means to lose an earring for a married woman - the roots of this superstition grow from the previous omens. As the woman could not think about the second marriage in those days, the loss of jewelry promised her lover, which, in principle, also pleased many ladies.

Other side of the medal

But such trivialities our ancestors were not satisfied. A sign to lose a gold earring (as well as some other ornaments) could mean that a powerful energy strike was inflicted on a man. Earrings of precious and semiprecious metals and stones are talismans capable of taking on an external negative. If the earring is lost, perhaps it has exhausted its defenses and can no longer protect its master. In that case, you should really rejoice, because, perhaps, you avoided some kind of disaster.

As for found jewelry, then if you believe in the previous property, to be talismans, to pick up the lost earring means to take on the negative that it absorbed. This means the bitter fate of the one to whom the negative was sent. Knowledgeable people recommend going past the temptation to enrich themselves with jewelry found.