Ointment for cleaning shoes

Care of shoes is necessary not only to look neat, but also to extend its service life. That is why more than 5 centuries ago, an ointment for shoes was invented. During the reign of Charles II, the French invented the simplest means for cleaning shoes, which consisted of ingredients such as egg, oven fat, vinegar or beer. The tool, of course, was very cheap, but there was no special sense from it either. After complete drying, this wax ceased to shine and acquired a matte shade. And the English have managed to improve this tool and get the best result and still believe that the title of the discoverers of the vaccines should belong to them.

Currently, there are many manufacturers that produce shoe polish from a wide variety of components. However, the followers of the ancient English waxes have survived, and to this day they use molasses, wax, bone soot, linseed, castor and turpentine oils, shellac, etc. Such ointments for cleaning shoes according to old recipes are named for their inventors: Hunter's varnish, wax Nichola, trains of Kelner and Bruner.

All the variety of modern gutalin can be classified according to the type of the main solvent, in which the role is played by:

To date, there are also creams made using hybrid technology - the basis for them is water and turpentine.

How to choose an ointment for shoe cleaning?

The market of modern footwear creams can be divided into:

For certain reasons, the most popular among consumers is footwear black color. In this regard, and a black ointment for cleaning shoes is also purchased much more often than a cream of other colors. But on the black shoe defects and lack of shine are noticeable better than on any other, so the cream should also meet the relevant requirements, namely the quality and long-lasting restoration of shine and color.

In order to choose the right cream, before buying, you should carefully study its composition. If the fat content is more than 40%, the cream can protect the shoes from moisture and make the skin more elastic. A high content of silicone or wax indicates that the cream gives shine. Solvents help to get rid of dust and dirt, and paint - to tint faded places.