Signs and superstitions for pregnant women

Ancient signs for pregnant women have long been studied by modern specialists and are divided into two groups: harmful and useful. The fact is that in some superstitions for the pregnant people lies the wisdom of the people, and in others - just prejudices. We offer to get acquainted with both, and with another category.

Useful signs and superstitions for pregnant women

To begin with, consider the signs for pregnant women, which are very useful, and which should be noted.

  1. A pregnant woman can not sit on the doorstep. In the old days, women's problems were written off to the machinations of evil spirits, but now everything is treated differently: the lady "in a position" is contraindicated.
  2. Pregnant women should not sit with their legs crossed. Previously, it was believed that because of this baby will be born with crooked legs. Now it is truly known that the posture does not influence the child, but it interferes with the natural circulation in the legs, which increases the risk of developing varicose veins.
  3. Pregnant women should not take a bath. In the old days it was said that this causes premature birth . There is some truth in this: hot water for women "in the position" is contraindicated. But in the warm baths there is no danger.
  4. If there is fish or red berries, the baby will be born unhealthy. In fact, only excessive consumption of these products can lead to the child's inclination to allergies. Products-allergens during pregnancy should be used with caution.
  5. You can not tell the estimated day of childbirth; the more people know about childbirth, the more the woman in labor will be tormented. In fact, a woman will be psychologically simpler if she is not ringed and ask: "Well, did she give birth?".
  6. You can not talk about pregnancy until it becomes obvious. Earlier it was thought that this protects the baby from evil spirits, in our days - this is an extra insurance against unnecessary explanations, if suddenly the pregnancy will be interrupted.

Bad signs for pregnant women

There are also such signs, which are based only on prejudice and do not carry in themselves any rational grain.

  1. It is impossible to be cut during pregnancy. In fact, the length of the hair does not affect the baby.
  2. You can not knit during a pregnancy for a child. It used to be that it's possible to maleficiate a child, but in reality there is no danger.
  3. If the pregnant woman hears abuse, the baby will have a birthmark. It is easy to understand that abuse for a pregnant woman should be excluded for mental rest, not as a preventive measure for moles.

In other words, listening to the popular signs that you can not be pregnant, do not forget about their critical thinking.