Why can not we cut children up to a year?

If you are going to cut a child for one reason or another before he turns 1 year old, then any grandmother will tell you that this is simply not permissible. Let's look at what these judgments are based on: simple prejudices and myths, or on real medical facts. So, why can not shear children for up to a year.

Signs, why you can not cut a child to one year old

In ancient cultures, it was believed that the baby's hair is his connection with the cosmos and the higher powers (hence "hair" - "streaks"). That's why, until a certain age, they were categorically forbidden to cut them off, because it threatened a bad future for the child, whose connection with higher forces would be interrupted.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers firmly believed that the hair is the mind of the baby, its potential for training. Accordingly, hair circumcision was a bad sign for this very reason. In Israel, it is still customary not to cut children under 3 years of age out of similar considerations. The most or more psychologically justified reason is the realization by a small child of himself as a whole. That is why often children, who have been shaved, feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. They still do not realize that hair, like nails, is not organs, and it's not terrible to lose them.

An adequate answer to the question of why it is impossible to cut hair to children for up to a year does not exist. The decision is still to be taken by parents, based on their own considerations. It should be noted that the hair cut does not affect their quality in the future, because it's all in the genetics. Therefore, cutting or not cutting a child, or even shaving his nalyso, should be addressed solely from practical considerations or stylistic preferences.