The Hall of the Raven

The Raven's palace is the fifth in the Svarog Circle. It lasts from December 16 to January 7. The sacred tree of this period is larch. The patron of this palace is the god Varuna, who controls the movements of the starry sky, and he is also responsible for the Gateway between the worlds. This god has the strength to determine how developed a person is and how much he can sustain in life.

What is the value of the Man of the Raven?

People who were born during this period are distinguished by their activity, cheerfulness and the desire to constantly do something. They have many ideas and plans that literally hit the key. What is important, for such activities and positive, "Ravens" are only able to be surrounded by other people, since loneliness for them is the most terrible punishment. Such people are very sociable and they are a certain inspiration for them. Especially bright "Crows" are shown in love, because they can show their passion sincerely, but mostly it is just a cover of sexual desire. Many up to 40 years are in search of their second half. Those born under the auspices of the Raven House are open and devoted, and in their lifetime they accumulate wisdom that is unattainable to others. In life for them, great importance is comfort and tranquility.

It's worth noting that people "ravens" have borne extraordinary abilities since birth and many even become psychics. Unfortunately, but others perceive this for too developed a fantasy or for deviations in the work of the nervous system. People born in the time of the Raven Hall can become good spiritual guides and teachers. It is important to note that if they do not respect their ancestors, they lose their patron, and this eventually leads to spiritual degradation. The "crow" has the ability to see the hidden features of others.

The Mement of the Crow of the Raven

Such an amulet is suitable not only for people who are under the auspices of this Hall, but also active and temperamental people. With the help of a symbol, you can reveal and strengthen extrasensory abilities, so people who are engaged in magic, he is very popular. First of all, the tattoo or amulet "The Court of the Crow" is recommended to people who are born for the higher mission, because its power will help to overcome the necessary path and tests.

It is worth using the amulet "The Court of the Crow", when it is necessary to make a difficult choice in life and, first of all, if it has to do with the love sphere. With its help, a person can understand his life purpose.