Annual dahlias

Dahlias are beautiful garden flowers, which amaze with a variety of colors and buds. There is hardly a person who is indifferent to their splendor and grace. However, many gardeners do not like to bother with perennial varieties, which require special care in the fall in preparation for wintering. But there is a way out - the cultivation of annual dahlias. Care for them is much easier, and besides, the floral pattern in the lawn can be updated annually at its discretion. However, all the same it is worth familiarizing with the features of growing and caring for annual dahlias.

Varieties of annual dahlias

A bright dwarf variety of annual dahlias "Merry guys" with a variety of colors of tubular flowers up to 10 cm in diameter is popular. The cheerful colors of the short Piccolo variety (up to 45 cm) are often adorned with lawns, pots and small flower beds. Among the low-growing dahlias, Dandy's variety is of interest, the stems of which are decorated with unusual semi-double collar flowers. There are also varieties of "Skylark", "Unvis Dwarf", "Mary" and others. But mainly for annual dahlias characterized by a height of up to 60 cm and flowering from July to the first frost.

Planting and caring for annual dahlias

As a rule, these plants are planted on the open ground through sprouts. It will allow to enjoy the first flowering in the end of June - in the beginning of July. Growing annual dahlias from seeds, by the way, is not such a laborious occupation.

In the seedling container (a box, a basin, a wide pot), the seeds of the plant are placed on the moist soil, covered with a small layer of sand, and slightly trampled. Seeds are planted at the end of April. The capacity is placed in a room with a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. A few weeks later, when seedlings appear, the seedlings dive into separate cups or pots. In the open ground seedlings are planted in May, when the danger of frosts passes. You can sow seeds in the open ground in mid-May.

Planting annual dahlias are carried out in a well-lit area, as the plant is pretty photophilic. In the shady place, the flower stretches and badly acquires buds. As for the land, the dahlia is unpretentious, but it grows better on loose and neutral soils. It is advisable that organic or mineral fertilizers be applied to the site during digging. Seeds are simply scattered, and then sprinkled on top of a small layer of earth and a little trampled. Young plants are best planted at a distance from each other, because in the future the plants grow well.

In the future, caring for annual dahlias basically reduces to timely watering, especially during the period of active growth. However, watering should be done in time, but not abundantly. Overmoistening of the soil often leads to the death of young plants. Therefore, focus on watering the lawn with dahlias once a week. In August, additional moisture is not needed for dahlias.

With proper care and a suitable site, the first flowers on annual dahlias appear by the end of June. For stimulate the emergence of new buds, faded inflorescences need to be trimmed. Flowering usually lasts until late autumn. If early frosts appear early in your region, we recommend covering plants with agrarian fibers or other nonwovens.

It often happens that for the first time the tested variety is liked and there is a desire to decorate the lawn with it in the next year. You just need to learn how to collect the seeds of annual dahlias and use them in the spring. To do this, let the flower dry on the bush. Gently tear the inflorescence, remove the dry petals, and put the seeds on a piece of paper dry. Store seeds in a paper bag in a dry place. Pack the package in order not to err with the variety.