Each book contains a whole world. And every reader perceives this world, passing it through. Some affect the reader more, others less. But there are always those books that turn your world upside down. And you can forget the names of these works, but their influence has already affected you and later life.
List of the 10 best books that change consciousness
1. "The Seagull, named Jonathan Livingstone" by Richard Bach . You are a bird. You have wings, the sky and the whole life ahead. You want to catch the streams of air, reach the peaks, fly with the wind ... But what if you are just a gull and your whole life is predetermined in advance?
A fascinating book that has become a masterpiece of world literature will tell you about an unusual gull that wanted to fly above the strongest birds, while her pack was used to living only with cares about meals.
The book is especially necessary for those who have already started their flight. Those who are deprived of the support and location of the "pack". To those who still believe in themselves. The book will give strength and once again show that strange - it does not mean bad. Rather, not like everyone else.
2. "The method of breathing" Stephen King . In New York there is a club in which participants share stories from their lives. The surgeon, who created the technique of deep breathing to facilitate childbirth, talks about a lonely young woman who visited him in 1935.
The book will tell about a strong, confident personality , ready to accept any fate and condemnation of society for the sake of their child and his future. The book has two moods: it is both a tragedy and a happy ending. The work will once again show that any situation is not worth the despair. And even when it seems that it will not work out to the end - we must go, because in the future any aspiration will be justified.
3. "Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury . A twelve-year-old boy talks about his summer. A light, warm book filled with the events of a small town, the troubles and stories of its inhabitants and the thoughts of the main character. Honey smell, bare feet, a terrible ravine and a mechanical fortune teller, giving predictions - the atmosphere of a familiar and familiar summer. The book will allow you to re-see the value of life in each of its events.
4. "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery . The book, dearly loved, both by children and adults. Such simple and, at the same time, wise thoughts of the main character remain deep inside each reader.
5. "How to be, when everything is not as you want" Alexander Sviyash . You can expect a lot from life, but get the opposite. In his book, the author will explain why our expectations are not justified and how to change it. Also he will tell about the most common idealizations and will show how to cope with them, in order to significantly improve his life. A popular author and psychologist in his book will completely change your consciousness and attitude to many common things.
6. "Send everything to ... Paradoxical Path to Success and Prosperity" Parkin John . A simple known phrase sometimes makes it much easier and changes the perception of what is happening. After all, the most difficult thing is not the situation itself, but our attitude towards it.
7. "Ten Secrets of Love" Jackson Adam . This book can be read in a couple of hours, but her secrets will be remembered for a long time. From the category of those books that for a couple of hours are able to turn your entire coherent picture of the world and make it at the root of another. Her advice is simple and understandable even to the child, but it is also valuable.
8. "The Magnificent Six" Boris Vasilyev . This pioneer camp has numerous awards for the best shift, banners and orders. They have great children with a lot of skills and abilities. But one day the camp is a precinct officer. The hero of the war lost six horses. The children, having rolled up, tied them to a tree and went home. The horses fell. This book, changing the mind of any person takes twenty minutes to read, but a long time to awareness.
9. "Woe from Wit" Alexander Griboyedov . The book, long disassembled into quotes, is not always available for understanding at school age. But with age, the perception also changes. And the protagonist of this book in time may seem to you not at all that beautiful, honest young man that he seemed before. And what's the reason?..
10. "The madhouse" Elena Stefanovich . The book that causes to this day a lot of different emotions: from indignation to fear. But no matter how it is perceived, no matter how scolded for the unreality and fictitiousness of events, the book still contributes to the readers' minds. Everyone judges the value himself.