Honeysuckle - varieties

You decided to plant a honeysuckle on your site, but you can not decide on the choice of variety? In this article we will try to help you.

The best varieties of honeysuckle

Varieties of garden honeysuckle is very much. To make it easier to determine the choice, you need to divide them into those that only bloom and those that bear fruit. After you have decided which honeysuckle you need, proceed to a "deep" choice - in size, taste, etc.

Varieties of ornamental honeysuckle

Honeysuckle can be not only with juicy tasty fruits, but also as an exceptionally decorative plant, which is planted for beauty and garden design.

Decorative honeysuckle can be of two kinds. Bushes erect: "Ordinary", "Alpine", "Pokryvalnaya", "Tatarskaya", "Zh. Maaka", "Zh. Maksimovich", "Zh. Korolkova", "Golden". And the lianas: "Capryfolle", "Winding", "Bryuna", "Gektor", "T.".

Sweet varieties of honeysuckle

When planting honeysuckle, remember that for a good harvest, you must plant at least two or three different varieties on one garden plot, this is necessary for good pollination.

The taste of honeysuckle will be much better, and the size is larger, if you are very good at watering your shrubbery in the flowering period and until the very beginning of the ripening of the first fruits.

Among gardeners, there is an opinion that the most delicious varieties are bakchar breeding. And the sweetest of them are "Sibiryachka", "Silghinka", "Roxana".

Large-fruited varieties of honeysuckle

The large-fruited varieties of honeysuckle are:

The bushes of honeysuckle have a lot of advantages, and at the same time they are completely unpretentious. Fruits ripen before all other berries. And in the design of garden sites is not inferior to other shrubs.