Daub before the monthly

Virtually all women can be bothered by smearing discharge before menstruation. The uterus is lined internally with the endometrial mucosa, which is subject to the cyclical changes that we are accustomed to call menstruation, a process that you understand is unavoidable, but it is he who speaks about the onset of puberty and the organism's readiness to conceive a child. A woman can have all kinds of abnormalities and irregularities in the menstrual cycle, which is indicated by various discharges, and one should not worry because of a small swelling - it is the norm. Before you begin to panic, you need to understand the nature of these discharges.

Types of excreta

Allocations can be of different colors and consistencies.

  1. Abundant, curd, or white thick discharge.
  2. Pink discharge.
  3. Brown discharge.
  4. Greenish-yellow discharge with unpleasant odors and itching.

The causes of the appearance of the ointment before the monthly

To smear before monthly can not only because of presence at the woman, what or gynecologic disease. A daub of a different nature may appear due to a number of the following factors, consider them in more detail.

1. As many already know from the experience of girlfriends, white thick discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese, are signs of thrush. The disease, of course, unpleasant, but very quickly treated.

2. Black smear before menstruation often occurs in women after childbirth, when the body and menstrual cycle is restored.

3. Pink smear before the monthly often indicates the presence of erosion of the cervix. Sometimes a daub can be like diluted blood, which warns about the possible development of endocervicitis. Also, pink smear may be a sign of infection in the female body.

4. Brown brush before the monthly can signal about:

5. Green thick mucous smear, with yellow color are signs of purulent cervicitis. If there is an unpleasant smell, it may well be that the body has an infection transmitted sexually.

So, why can smear before the monthly we tried to figure it out. Now you understand the seriousness of some situations, so it's mandatory to visit a gynecologist in order to identify an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment.