How to restore the figure after giving birth?

Restoring the figure after childbirth is one of the main reasons for experiencing even during pregnancy. Indeed, the figure immediately after childbirth undergoes not the most attractive changes: due to the displacement of the center of gravity, the posture worsens, and the kilograms collected during the "meal for two" remain on the abdomen, hips and buttocks. However, if you are a motivated person, then correcting the figure after giving birth will not be a problem for you.

How to restore the figure after childbirth: step one

How do you think, where does weight loss begin? With a diet or a sport? Not really. The first step is setting the goal. Weigh and measure the waist, chest, thighs. Then, set how many kilos and centimeters you want to lose weight and set the time for which you need to cope. It is normal to lose weight by 1.5 - 3 kg per month, so do not set yourself unrealistic goals - otherwise you will fall behind, or even completely drop your hands.

Write down all the information you have received and create a diary in which you will daily observe changes in weight and weekly changes in body volumes. Now that the goal is clear, you can proceed to action. Even after the second birth, the figure will recover very quickly, if you fulfill the plan!

How to return the figure after delivery: step two

It is important to revise your diet, but do not dwell on strict, unbalanced diets, but prefer proper nutrition. His principles are familiar to us from childhood: in the morning - kashka, during the day - lean meat, fish or poultry with vegetable garnish, less sweets, more fruits and sour-milk products. Avoid combinations like potatoes-meat, bread-meat, pasta-meat, etc. These are very complex digestive combinations that can interfere with your weight loss.

If you are breastfeeding - it's fine: the body spends about 500 calories a day to produce milk. Even in this case, the principles of proper nutrition will only benefit you!

Exercises for the figure after childbirth: step three

It is important to add physical activity. Not necessarily for this visit a fitness club or even break away from the child, because some classes with him burn a lot of calories:

  1. Long walks with a stroller, during which you need to walk as much as possible, and not sit on a bench with a magazine.
  2. Active games: raising the child in his arms, circling around the room with him, etc.
  3. Cleaning toys: come to work creatively, collect them one at a time, squatting or making deep slopes - these are great exercises!

In addition, you can connect the minimum morning workout. If you are bored with one, buy on DVD or download video lessons with a pretty girl instructor and cheerful cheerful music on the Internet - this will add motivation!

Besides this, remember, that the complex needs to be changed at least once in 2-3 weeks: our body is very clever, and if we constantly give it the same load, it gets used to it and stops in its development. A beautiful figure after childbirth requires such exercises:

By following such simple rules, only on you will depend when the figure is restored after giving birth.