Plaid on the sofa

Create a cozy room in the room, in a favorable light to beat the recreation area, and just warm it in the cool evening - all these tasks are under the power of a rug. But the plaid is not simple, but chosen according to all the rules, harmoniously combined with the rest of the room and, of course, made of the right material. About what the rugs on the sofa are and the features of their choice, we'll talk today.

How to choose a plaid on the couch?

Going to the store for a blanket-blanket for your favorite couch, it's not at all superfluous to first learn the "materiel". After all, chosen only for a beautiful coloring without taking into account the features of the plaid material can fall into the category of the most unsuccessful purchases. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the label, namely - on the material of which the product is made. By this feature, rugs can be divided into:

  1. Synthetic - the raw material for which is usually acrylic or polyester. Such rugs are strong enough, well erased and easily tolerated cleaning. In addition, the technology makes it possible to produce synthetic blankets on the sofa of the most unimaginable textures and colors: "fur", knitted, thin and thick, smooth, with a pattern and monophonic. But they have a significant disadvantage - they are all electrified without exception, and, therefore, like magnets attract dust . Therefore, their owners will have to reconcile themselves with periodic electric shocks in the discharge of static electricity, and with the fact that the sofa will not look very neatly from the stuck to the rug of dust and small strings.
  2. Natural - most often blankets of pure wool or wool in a mixture with synthetics. Their great dignity is the ability to freely let in air, for which they received the title of "breathing". In addition, natural wool has the property of self-cleaning, and therefore, it is necessary to wash products from it much less often than synthetic wool. But even in this "barrel of honey" was not without the notorious "spoon of tar." Firstly, plaids made of natural wool are not at all cheap. Secondly, they are produced in a more restrained range of colors than synthetic ones. Thirdly, wool products have an unpleasant ability to "bite", which is unlikely to appeal to people with delicate skin. And the most deplorable thing is that they quite often cause allergic reactions.

The second important aspect is the ability to correctly determine the size of the rug. So, for cover during the gatherings or "pole-landers" plaid is quite enough in the size of 140x200 cm, but for use as a blanket blanket there should be more than a sofa on each side for about 20 cm. The plaque on the corner sofa must be at least 220х260 cm.