Symptoms of a child's dysbiosis

Recently, in the offices of pediatricians, the term "dysbiosis" can be heard more and more often. Complaints about poor performance of the baby's tummy can occur at any age, and the reasons for this are not only antibiotic intake and malnutrition, but poor psycho-emotional situation in the family, stress, and serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of a dysbacteriosis in a child, both a year-old and older, do not differ in any way from one another. All of them are connected by one: violations in the digestive tract due to the increased amount of pathogenic microflora.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in children under one year

In very small youngsters, this uneasy disease can be masked by gastrointestinal colic that occurs in babies in the postpartum period. The main signs of dysbiosis in infants are as follows:

However, in addition to the above, the child of a month old has such signs of dysbiosis that it is unlikely to confuse with colic: the baby's stool becomes with a fetid smell, and the color acquires a greenish tinge.

Symptoms of a dysbacteriosis in a child from 1 year and older

The main indicators that the baby is not all right are the pain in the abdomen. They can be permanent or periodic and have different locations. In addition, the signs of dysbiosis in children, both 2-3 years, and other age, are as follows:

Also I want to draw attention to the fact that at the initial stage in the child, both in 2-3 years, and in 5 years and older, signs of dysbacteriosis, described above may not be present at all, but instead, moms and dads encounter dry skin, brittle nails and bad breath.

So, signs of a dysbacteriosis at the child both in 2 years, and any other age, have much in common. Babies often complain of soreness in the abdomen and problems with the stool. Like any disease, dysbiosis should be treated, moreover, preferably by a competent specialist. It must be remembered that at the initial stage this is much easier to do than when the dysbacteriosis "gets stronger" and provokes allergic reactions, increased temperature and serious disturbances in the work of the stomach and intestines.