Baths for nail growth

Every woman dreams of beautiful and long nails. However, this can be very difficult. Someone achieves this goal by building up, while others use baths to grow nails, masks, creams and other means, the choice of which depends on individual preferences.

Baths for rapid nail growth

To achieve the desired result, the application of cosmetic procedures will be insufficient, the nail plates should be strengthened from the inside, adding to the diet vitamins A, E, B and products containing calcium and iron.

The procedure is recommended every other day for several weeks. after 2-3 sessions you can notice a significant improvement in nails. In more serious cases, in particular when restoring the nails after the build-up, take the baths daily for two weeks. After a four-week break, the course is repeated.

How to make a bath for nails?

When preparing and taking a bath, the following plan should be followed:

  1. Using a liquid to remove varnish without acetone, remove the coating from the nails.
  2. Wash hands.
  3. Saw nails, giving them the necessary shape.
  4. Pour warm water into the container.
  5. Add the necessary components by prescription.
  6. Put your hands in the tool and keep for about fifteen minutes.
  7. Lubricate hands with a nutritious cream.

Baths to accelerate the growth of nails

To speed up the growth of nails, enjoy simple recipes:

  1. Olive oil (one hundred grams) is heated on a steam bath and diluted with a small amount of water.
  2. In a glass with heated water, pour a spoonful of soda and a couple of drops of iodine (if desired).
  3. The composition with sea salt is prepared as follows. Two glasses of water will require a hundred grams of salt and a few drops of iodine.

For nails other than trays, it is good to use masks. A good remedy is a vitamin mask:

  1. Sunflower oil (a quarter cup) is mixed with vitamin A (five droplets) and three drops of iodine .
  2. Put on hands with a cotton swab.

What other baths are there for nail growth?

Here are a few useful tips and tools for stimulating nail growth:

  1. Mineral water without gas is mixed with the same volume of cabbage juice, pour a spoonful of sesame oil and a couple of droplets of essential oil ylang-ylang.
  2. In the heated milk (half a liter) add honey, lemon and apple juice (two spoons) and a spoonful of salt.
  3. As a tray you can use a decoction of chamomile, burdock root and St. John's wort, (each herb two spoons), boiled in a glass of boiling water.
  4. Warm water is mixed with lemon juice (two spoons) and almond or grape oil.