In what color do cats see?

Some time ago scientists believed that cats see the world in black and white and distinguish some shades of gray. At this point in time, the question: do cats see color, you can say with a high degree of certainty that these animals have color vision. It is not as bright and contrasting as in humans or primates, but, nevertheless, some colors, for example red and blue - they distinguish, but perceive them somewhat differently than man.

Perception of different colors and shades by cats

Best cats see "cold" colors, such as shades of gray, green and blue tones, while, for example, only the gray color, they can be divided into 24 different sub-colors.

To understand how many colors the cats see and how they perceive them, long enough and detailed experiments were conducted, as a result of which scientists came to the conclusion that some colors are not catlike at all, for example, brown, orange. The objects of the red cat are seen as light green, sometimes as gray (depending on the lighting), yellow is perceived as white, and blue is not recognized as such, but is capable of differentiating objects of this color from red ones.

Most experts agree that cats distinguish three colors best: shades of red, blue and green, but some scientists expand this list to six colors.

The color in which cats see the world is very different from human perception, of course, these colors are much poorer, but nevertheless, cats have a color perception, unlike some other animals that live in black and white. The visual ability of cats to recognize color has not been fully understood by scientists, so there is a possibility that after a while we will learn that cats perfectly distinguish much more colors.

So the cats see the day.
So the cats see at night.