How to raise a leader?

Priorities and trends in the upbringing of children, like many other things, tend to change over time. So, for example, our parents were brought up in the spirit of collectivism, they taught that it is ugly to stand out and demonstrate their dignity. The absolute majority sought to become part of the general mass, such an "average citizen." In parallel with the socio-political changes in people's lives, awareness of the importance of personal qualities has come to help people stand out from the crowd and successfully take their own, not the last, place in life. So, many parents, wishing for their children the best, began to think about how to raise a leader in the child, in order to help him achieve goals.

Of course, the child-leader is formed by that from birth. This is a long, filigree delicate process that helps the kid to find a line between his own needs and the demands of society, high self-esteem and real state of affairs, purposefulness, self-confidence and adequate criticism.

Definition of leadership

Before you look for an answer to the question of how to develop the leadership qualities of a child, you should determine the concept of leadership. The leader is not the one who runs ahead, pushing the rivals with his elbows. This is, first of all, a man who respects others, not afraid of responsibility capable of capturing others, to make them want to act, who can not only win, but also lose with honor, drawing conclusions.

Leaders become, and are not born, more precisely, children are born, with some leadership inclinations, and from upbringing and social conditions depends whether to receive these makings development, that is, whether the child will become a leader or not. According to most scientists, talent and ability only 40% depend on genetics and 60% of education. As you know, the best method of education is your own example. It is unlikely that parents who are in the clouds and do not do anything concrete to improve their lives, they know how to raise a leader. But they do not need to be leaders themselves, it is enough to have such qualities as the ability to answer for their actions, respect for others and the ability to reckon with their opinion, the desire to find a way out of any situation.


Aiming to bring up leadership qualities in your child, it is important to remember that children-leaders grow up in families where a warm atmosphere of love, understanding and mutual support reigns. Be careful with the words, because any phrase even said in passing can be imprinted in the child's mind for life and become a kind of program.

Avoid the following expressions:

Phrases that contribute to the development of leadership:

How to raise a child as a leader?

Some practical recommendations: