Discography in school children

Parents of children who have gone to primary school sometimes have to deal with the problem of not learning a child's writing skills or, in other words, dysgraphy. A child suffering from this disorder can be an excellent student in other subjects, but with writing words he will have serious problems. How to identify the dysgraphia and carry out its correction in younger schoolchildren, we will explain further.

Symptoms of dysgraphy

Diagnosis of dysgraphy in younger schoolchildren is a simple process. Children who suffer from this disorder, can by writing:

The causes of dysgraphy in children, according to experts, are the immaturity of certain areas of the brain. They can also affect the appearance of such disorders of pathology during pregnancy or childbirth, head trauma and childhood infections.

Correction of dysgraphy in school children

Speech therapists are engaged in correction of this type of disorders in younger school age. Before determining the treatment program, specialists establish a form of dysgraphy. In total, there are five:

  1. Articular-acoustic (the child can not pronounce sounds correctly and also does not correctly use them when writing).
  2. Acoustic (the child does not distinguish between similar sounds).
  3. Optical (the child does not understand the differences in writing letters).
  4. Agrammatical (the child does not correctly incline and uses words, for example, "beautiful house").
  5. Violation of linguistic synthesis and analysis (letters and syllables in the word are rearranged, not added, confused).

Prevention of dysgraphy

Preventive measures to develop dysgraphy in younger schoolchildren should be conducted by parents in the preschool age. As a rule, children can not catch differences in similar sounds before coming to school and pronounce them incorrectly. They may not recognize letters and confuse similar ones.

To prevent discography, parents should devote more time to studying and communicating with the child, correcting it if he pronounces words incorrectly. If the child is not able to clearly pronounce sounds after reaching the age of 4, he should be shown to the speech therapist.