What does the allergy look like?

Any manifestation of an allergy is a serious cause for concern. If you contact the doctor in time, serious consequences of the problem can be avoided. That's why you need to know how the allergy looks. In the modern world, the body can respond negatively to various factors: the sun, food, smells, animal hair and many others.

What does the allergy look like in the sun?

Allergic reaction to the sun can be different. It depends on the person's age, provoking external and internal factors. Most often it manifests itself in the form:

So, on the whole body there may appear small roughnesses that itch, hurt and sometimes swell. But usually an allergy to the sun is manifested by eczema or hives, accompanied by the appearance of small bubbles. Most of the damage is formed on the skin areas where there were long contacts with the sun's rays. But there are cases when the reaction manifests itself in places where ultraviolet did not fall.

A physically strong and healthy body can easily cope with this kind of allergy. Therefore, it often occurs in weak or small children, as well as in elderly people with chronic diseases.

How does the allergy to other irritants on the body look like?

Allergic rash on the body has several characteristic features. It appears as a result:

Specialists distinguish several basic types of allergic rash that appear on the body.


It appears almost immediately after contact with the substance or animal, and this allergy looks on the skin, like small blisters. Usually their appearance is accompanied by itching. Such rashes tend to merge.

Hives are treated with antihistamines, corticosteroids and adsorbents. When prescribing ointments with hormones, you need to remember that they are absorbed into the blood, so long-term treatment is undesirable.


The causes of this allergic rash are similar to hives. But it flows heavier. So, red spots begin to appear all over the body, which itch and scaly. Eczema can "torment" a person for a long time. Gradually, the skin becomes coarse, cracks and deep wounds appear on it.

Cure this disease is quite problematic. As a rule, doctors write out antihistamines and sorbents , and in parallel with them it is recommended to apply solutions on problematic areas of the skin, preventing the development of infection.

At once it is necessary to note, that the treatment lasts long enough, even if everything is done correctly. Therefore, the patient must be fairly patient. Allergy on the face looks exactly the same as on the body. Its appearance can lead not only to cosmetic, but also to mental disorders. On the neck, eczema is rare.


The reaction occurs immediately after contact with the allergen. But the symptoms of this disease are relatively fast, even if you do not take any action. Many simply need to avoid re-exposure of allergens. With dermatitis, the allergic rash looks the same as with eczema, and appears on the hands and feet.

On the neck, face or body disease is diagnosed infrequently. But on the limbs, it can be formed even in healthy people. This is usually due to the body's contact with detergents or cleaning agents. Rarely, dermatitis is manifested as a result of contact with coloring substances. In general, it is limited to the appearance of irritations on the skin just above the wrists. On the legs, dermatitis occurs after insect bites, contacts with jellyfish or epilation.