How correctly to teach the child to read?

By about 5 years, the time has come for the child to learn to read. Today's teachers expect that the newly-made first-graders come to school, at least already knowing the sounds and knowing how to independently add syllables from them. Then many mothers and ask the question: "How to teach the child to read correctly?".

Where to begin?

First of all, any educator should know that it is necessary to call a child not a letter, but a sound. Everyone understands that the letter and the sound are two different concepts: the letter is the symbol that indicates the sound, and the sound in turn is how we pronounce and hear this or that letter. However, in children, as a rule, abstract thinking is poorly developed and their thoughts correspond to specific images. That is why in the learning process it is necessary for a kid to say the letter "H", and not "EN", "P", and not "PE".


In order to teach a child to read by syllables, it is not necessary that he knows all the letters at once. They are remembered in the process. To date, we know a large number of techniques that allow you to teach a child to read as early as 5 years. The simplest and most effective of them is the following:

  1. First, learn only vowel sounds. To do this, use games to help teach your child to read. For example, write on the circles of paper all the vowels and hang them on a thread in the room. Then you can simply ask to sing the baby in the form of a song, while showing alternately the letters. After some time, change the order of these circles, outweighing them in a different order. Due to the fact that there are only 10 vowels, the kid will quickly remember them.
  2. Teach you to read individual syllables , and then short words. In most cases, moms use the Primer. But this is not entirely correct. Speech therapists have proven that children remember syllables or words better. To compose them, use previously learned vowels.
  3. Reading words. To do this, make up a group of 5-6 words that are already familiar to the baby. Write them in syllables on pieces of colored paper so that the color is one, and the size and shape are different. Show it to the child, read it together and hang it around the house. If on these leaves there is an image of an object whose name is written, it will be easier for him to cope with the task. After some time, remove the pictures, offering the child to read the word or remember what was pictured. To complicate, it is necessary to periodically change the places of the leaves so that he does not call the word by heart, but read it. Also, you can deliberately read it wrong and wait for the kid to correct you.