What temperature at cats is read normal - we watch for health of the favorite

Animals are sick, like people, so owners of four-lipped should be aware of the symptoms that indicate the presence of diseases. It is important to understand what is the normal temperature in cats, how to correctly change it and how to reduce if necessary. This knowledge will help save the pet at critical moments.

How to measure the temperature of a cat?

Whether the animal's condition is normal or if there are any deviations, you can find out by measuring the temperature. For this purpose, a rectal thermometer is used that gives the most accurate readings, an electronic universal or mercury thermometer. The latter option is the worst, since it is necessary to carry out measurements for 5 minutes, and the readings may not be accurate. There is a special instruction how to measure the temperature of the cat rectally:

  1. It is better to conduct the procedure when the animal is in a restful mood or sleep. It is important to use a clean thermometer, which is pre-sterilized. If this is not done, then there is a risk of additional infection.
  2. When a pet is aggressive or too big, then you should ask another person to hold it.
  3. Understanding how to measure the temperature of a cat at home, it is worth pointing out that the animal should be wrapped tightly in a blanket, so that only the head and the priest remain outside. It is important that all paws are fixed, otherwise the pet can escape or scratch.
  4. The thermometer should be lubricated with oil or petroleum jelly, which will provide the necessary slip. To smear with something the anus is not necessary.
  5. Gently lift the tail and slowly enter the thermometer, making small rotational movements. Do not dip the thermometer deeply, because you can hurt the pet. A depth of 0.5-0.7 cm is considered normal. After this, slightly tilt the thermometer so that its tip touches the walls of the rectum.
  6. When using an electronic thermometer, you should wait for the sound signal, and if you enter a mercury thermometer, you need to keep it for 4-5 minutes. In the instructions how to determine the temperature in a cat, an important condition is a constant contact with the pet, that is, it is necessary to talk and iron with it, trying to calm it down. At the end of the procedure, be sure to praise and give a treat to the cat.

What is the temperature of a cat normal?

The list of primary symptoms that indicate the occurrence of health problems includes changes in temperature. Its indicators at the required level are maintained with the help of different organs. To determine the presence of a disease in time, it is important to know what is the normal temperature in cats. It is worth noting that the indicators change if the animal has undergone surgery, is in the position or is preparing to give birth.

Temperature of a healthy cat

Veterinarians assure that the organism of each cat, like a person, has its own peculiarities, therefore, the value of normal temperature in different animals may differ. It is believed that if the indicator enters the range of 37.5-39 ° C, then everything is fine. It is worth considering that the normal body temperature in cats in the morning at 0.5 ° C lower, if compared with the value in the evening. It is important to know that in kittens the indicator will also be higher by a degree than in adult individuals, as they lead a more active lifestyle. Scientists note that the temperature still depends on the size of the pet.

The temperature in a cat after sterilization

After the operation, the owners should carefully monitor the condition of the animal in order to replace the complications in time. It is important to know what is the normal temperature in cats after sterilization , as her jumps often indicate a worsening of the condition of the pet. If the indicators have changed slightly, then this is considered the norm.

  1. When the temperature decreases, it is recommended to rub the legs of an animal or attach a heating pad to them. When these actions do not help, it is necessary to contact the doctor immediately.
  2. Rise is allowed only within three days after the procedure. If the body temperature in cats continues to hold, then you should consult a doctor.

The temperature of a pregnant cat

When an animal is in a position, then changes take place in its organism, which to some extent reflect its state. Many do not know what is the temperature of cats, when she is pregnant, so experts in this situation allow a slight increase, that is, 1-2 degrees, but no more. If the owner notices that the pet has a fever, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, since this indicates the development of a serious inflammatory process.

The temperature of the cat before giving birth

Some of the changes in the behavior and condition of the animal testify to the fact that babies will soon appear in the world. If you are interested in what temperature the cats have at this time, then it is worth noting that the value drops and is about 37 ° C. Another symptom that indicates the approach of labor is breast enlargement, milk production, a decrease in appetite, and changes in behavior. Dangerous is the fever, which can indicate problems with the fetus, so you need to urgently contact the vet clinic.

Cat's temperature after vaccination

To protect the pet from various deadly diseases, it is necessary to carry out vaccination. A cat, like a person, after vaccination for a while will feel unimportant. During the day she will be sluggish and without appetite. Rectal temperature of the cat can rise slightly, that is, not more than a couple of degrees. If the condition worsens, and other unpleasant clinical symptoms join, then the pet should be shown to the veterinarian.

High temperature in a cat

According to the statistics, in 40% of cases, the temperature increases due to some infection, 20% refer to systemic and oncological pathologies. Among the most common causes of temperature increase are:

  1. Viral and bacterial infections. In this case, the cat refuses to eat, there is vomiting and diarrhea .
  2. As a concomitant symptom temperature in cats appears due to allergies to medicines or as a result of contact with poisonous plants. In addition, the pet loses its appetite, and also has vomiting and diarrhea with blood.
  3. Disorders in the endocrine system are accompanied by problems in thermoregulation, but the temperature increases moderately. In addition, the body weight and mood changes, the quality of wool worsens, and so on.
  4. Fourfoot can cause heat as a result of the stress experienced, for example, after moving. As an additional symptom, one can note a worsening of mood.
  5. Finding out what is the normal temperature of the cat and because of what it can rise, it is worth noting that in the summer it is often the consequence of the usual overheating of the body. This will be evidenced by intense breathing and tachycardia.

Low temperature in a cat

The most common cause of a drop in body temperature is hypothermia. Other indicators may decrease if the animal's body is weakened, chronic kidney and liver diseases, malignant formations and other health problems are present. Concomitant symptoms of hypothermia include small tremor in the body, depressed mood, pale skin and mucous membranes, and the desire of the cat to find a warm place to keep warm.

If the cat has a low temperature, then it is necessary to create conditions for it to quickly warm up. For this purpose, a warmer is suitable, you can wrap an animal in a blanket and hold it in your hands to transfer the heat of your body. If these actions did not work, then you need to take the pet to the clinic, so that they determine the reasons and return the temperature to the normal value.

What if the cat has a fever?

To help the animal quickly and without consequences, it is recommended to contact the veterinarian. Treatment will depend directly on the diagnosis and the complexity of the situation. There are situations that the temperature decreases by itself. The doctor knows what is the normal temperature in cats, and he will be able to determine the cause of the deviations with the help of tests.

If the temperature is too high (from 40 ° C), then special antipyretic agents are prescribed. Examinations are also carried out at a lower temperature. In most cases, the indices are normalized after the disease has been eliminated. People who are interested in giving a cat a temperature should understand that human medicine for animals is not suitable and only a doctor can choose the right drug.

Critical temperature in a cat

When the situation is complicated and the indicators on the thermometer are high, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible. To reduce the temperature to the normal value, you can not give the animal human antipyretic agents. If you urgently go to a specialist does not work, then you can give the pet a tablet of analgin, for a kitten you can not more than 1/4 of the piece. This drug will remove puffiness. We must not forget that the cat needs to give a lot of water to avoid dehydration.

When the fever, cat's illness, which causes malaise, can be determined only by a doctor, so you need to go to him as soon as possible. It is recommended to take a wet cloth and a piece of ice on the road in order to reduce heat a little. Ice should be wrapped in cloth and put it on the inside of the thighs and neck, and a wet cloth can cover the pet.

How to knock down the temperature in a cat?

There are situations when there is no possibility to urgently go to the doctor or call him at home, then you can use some tips how to knock down the temperature at home:

  1. Take care that the room is not hot. Provide the animal with water.
  2. It is recommended to put wet cloth rollers or ice wrapped in fabric on the inside of the thighs and behind the ears. Another option is to cover the cat with a wet cloth.
  3. Finding out what is the normal temperature of the cat and how to reduce it, it is worth saying that it is forbidden to wet the wool, as this will disrupt thermoregulation.