The role of water in the human body

The role of water in the human body is great. After all, what only is the information that we are composed of 80% of it. Moreover, about her influence on the well-being of all living things, not one dozen books have been written, many documentary films have been filmed.

How does water affect the human body?

Almost 70% of diseases are caused by the use of poor-quality water. Everyone knows that a day should drink up to 2.5 liters of water. With a lack of 10% moisture, the state of health worsens: dizziness, tachycardia , breathing becomes more frequent, body temperature rises, there is an ache in the whole body. Loss of 20% of water leads to the fact that the blood begins to become very thick, from which the heart is not able to pump it, and this can lead to death.

True, water can adversely affect the body. So, if it contains such harmful substances as iron, oil products, chlorine, then there are violations of water-salt balance, blood diseases, allergies, urolithiasis and even oncology.

What is the use of water for the human body?

The more you consume water, the faster you will get rid of fatty complications. In addition, it relieves the body of sodium overabundance. Its healing properties help maintain muscle tone, prevent dehydration . Those who follow their appearance, especially will be pleased to learn that the consumption of sufficient water prevents the sagging of the skin. It becomes elastic and healthy.

If you suffer from constipation, resume the normal functioning of the intestine with just a few glasses of water. It is also important to add that water improves metabolism, helps to always be in shape. For people who are overweight, it will help to achieve the desired proportions of the body faster.