Pyoderma in dogs

Skin is a very important organ of any living being. It protects it from mechanical damage, it is responsible that there is no loss of liquid. In addition, its extreme elasticity allows the owner to move easily. Clean and healthy skin does not allow fungi and bacteria to develop on its surface. The slightest erosion, boils or not passing itch may be signs of undesirable disturbances in the dog's body. This is why you should pay special attention to the condition of your pet's skin and hair. You need to immediately seek advice from a veterinarian-dermatologist, until the pyoderma or other serious disease has gone into a deep form.

Symptoms of pyoderma in dogs

Very often, the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria is promoted by serious disorders of the immune system. Distinguish superficial pyoderma in dogs and deep. In the first case, the epidermis and the hair follicles are affected. In the second - even the fat cells under the layers of the skin. This disease is caused by dangerous bacteria from the family of staphylococci.

Here are the main symptoms of pyoderma:

Causes of pyoderma in dogs

Acute mopping dermatitis quite often begins in wet and hot weather. The favorite place of staphylococcus is the groin area, near the tail, near the loop near the bough, on the neck, and on the bottom. Interdigital pyodermia in dogs can be caused by splinters, spines, koltunami, damage to the skin during walks on sharp gravel, chemical burns. This type of disease causes also fungal diseases or various parasites.

The fact is that long hair, injuries, allergies and poor dog care are the factors that contribute to the development of many skin diseases. The peculiarity of the structure of the cover in some breeds of dogs is numerous folds. These indentations are poorly ventilated, and saliva or urine accumulates on them, which also contributes to irritation and the appearance of staphylococci in this place. In animals with short muzzle (Pekingese, Bulldogs) in many cases, the forehead and cheeks are affected, in some other breeds - near the upper lip. Quite often staphylococci can be found on the skin of perfectly healthy animals. The fact is that a good immune defense does not allow them to multiply and harm the dog's body. That is why, always during the treatment of pyoderma, the doctor prescribes immunity-stimulating preparations and top dressing to improve the condition of the hairline.

Treatment of pyoderma in dogs

Around the foci of defeat in the animal is cut off the wool so that you can get to the pustules. These areas are treated with antiseptics - iodinated alcohol, zelenka, solutions of chlorhexidine bigluconate or manganese. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, ointments, vitamins , immunostimulants.

Quite often, animal owners pay little attention to minor damage to the skin, thinking lightly that a small itch or rash will pass without outside interference. All this leads to the fact that there is a deep form of pyoderma and without the use of antibiotics can not be dispensed with. Treatment lasts several weeks or even months. It is important to continue it until there is complete recovery. In no case should you stop taking medications before the time, especially if the chronic form of pyodermia in the dog has already come. A run-in process often leads to even a fatal outcome.