How to protect the child from swine flu?

Infect the virus subtype H1N1, or swine flu, every person can and, unfortunately, children are no exception. This disease was first diagnosed in 2009 and, according to medical research, it is nothing more than a new strain of all known influenza virus. However, this subtype, unlike its counterparts, has the power to affect the lungs and bronchi, and in a very short time, which often leads to a deplorable result. Therefore, how to protect the child from the swine flu and what precautions must be followed, all mothers and dads should know.

How to protect a child from swine flu?

In the modern world for the prevention of this ailment it is customary to use the same methods of protection that are used in other strains of influenza. They can be divided into 3 groups:

Personal hygiene

In order to protect against swine flu, the child needs to explain how to follow the rules of hygiene, especially if he is in the team:

Medication prophylaxis

Warn the child of swine flu will help both ointments that are applied to the nasal mucosa, and immunomodulating drugs. The first include Oksolinovaya and Viferon ointments, and to the second Aflubin drops, Anaferon children's tablets, Kagocel , etc.

General prophylaxis

In order not to become infected with swine flu, the child needs to change the menu, and monitor the cleanliness of the apartment. Ration krohe need a one in which 50% will make up fresh fruits and vegetables, or, if this is not possible, then drink a vitamin complex.

In addition, a very important aspect of prevention is cleanliness in the apartment: wet cleaning every day and airing the entire room at least 10 minutes a day.

Now, I want to say a few words about how to protect an infant from swine flu, because the immune system of babies is still very weak. Here on the first place are measures to prevent infection: lack of contacts with strangers, hardening, washing hands before communicating with the child, as well as drug prevention. Do not neglect the fact that, for example, regularly and correctly applied to the nose Oksolinovaya ointment, sufficiently well protects the crumbs from infection with influenza. Although, unfortunately, there is no official statistics, but in the opinion of some doctors it is better to hedge, blushing the baby with nasal sinuses, than to treat it later from the virus of subtype H1N1.