August 2 - the Feast of Elijah

What is the date of Ilya, everyone knows, perhaps. The Prophet Elijah is highly esteemed by both Christianity and other world religions - Judaism and Islam.

The image of the Prophet Elijah is represented by a formidable old man, master of thunder and lightning, who drives around in a chariot of fire in the sky and mercilessly strikes sinners with thunder and lightning. However, despite its severity, this revered Saint is always generous to the righteous. It is he who closely monitors the fulfillment of human and divine laws by people. The first church, built in Russia, was dedicated to St. Ilya.

Feast of St. Elijah - history

Prophet Ilya was born in Palestine, in the city of Fiswa, in the 9th century. BC. At the time of Ilya's birth, his father receives a vision that the elders greet the baby, and the angels are fed with fire and wrapped in fire cloths. The baby was to become the beacon of faith. And so it happened. Ilya became an irreconcilable enemy of paganism, a true adherent of piety.

Honoring Ilya as the Holy One came to the Slavs from Byzantium. In the Slavic people, the prophet Elijah was associated with Perun, the god of thunder, whose lightning was a weapon against any evil. Driving around the sky in his chariot, Perun defended the laws among people and gods, was the guardian of heaven.

Christians endowed the Prophet Elijah with the same qualities that the most revered god of Perun had. Ilia's Day became a warrior's holiday, and the formidable Prophet Elijah was the guardian of the heavens. The Slavs were taken on August 2 to commemorate the soldiers who died in battle, to make sacrifices, to sanctify weapons, to conduct ritual battles.

Miracles of the Prophet Elijah

There are a lot of miracles, created by Ilya. By the word of this Holy, the water in the Jordan River parted. Ilya, for the correction of sinners and the intimidation of the Gentiles, reduced the heavenly fire to earth. He prophesied and revealed God's will. Ilya had the ability to cause rains and even resurrect the dead. He was asked for relief from bleeding or fever . Ilya could also protect himself from robbers. This saint became the patron of the airborne troops and is revered by pilots.

Both in Christianity and in Judaism, it is believed that Ilya God was taken alive. He became the only prophet of the New Testament, with the exception of Enoch, who lived before the flood, who came alive to heaven.

Holy Prophet Ilya - Tradition

With the date of August 2, there are very many beliefs and prohibitions. Ilyin Day can not do anything. Every work is considered a sin. It is believed that if I carry or fold hay, the prophet Ilya will burn it. By 2 August it is important to finish the haymaking and start the autumn harvest. An exception was made only for beekeepers. They can clean the hives, cut the honeycombs, because the bee is considered a "God's bird", collecting wax on the candle. People know that Ilya will never be struck by lightning in a hive, even if an unclean spirit has taken refuge behind him.

There is a belief that on the day of Elijah wild animals roam, so the cattle were not driven out to the pasture at all, otherwise the wolves will bite him. And even if you can avoid a dangerous meeting with predators, the naughty shepherd will be punished. An angry prophet can send lightning to the cattle and to the disobedient.

Vladyat Ilya and above the dark spirits. He strikes the evil spirit with his arrows. Escaping, evil spirits are transformed into animals - cats, dogs, hares, foxes, so animals are not allowed to go home to Ilyin.

Since Ilya is considered the ruler of thunderstorms and rains, many signs on this day are associated with precipitation. Rain on the day of Ilya presages a rich harvest, and drought - fires.

Rainwater on August 2 has special properties. She flushes all diseases, protects from evil eye and witchcraft.

On this day it is strictly forbidden to swim. This ban is due to the fact that Ilya, skates across the sky, and from a quick ride one horse drops a horseshoe into the water, after which the water becomes cold.