Tao love: sexual technology

Nowadays it's not easy to surprise something in bed - the Internet made a "gourmet sex" from everyone, no role plays, no toys, no cunning devices, no poses from the Kamasutra. True, you can still diversify your intimate life if you try the ancient technique of "Tao of Love". It is curious that this is not a novelty at all, but a return to the basics that can give pleasure much more than a variety of new-fashioned "lotions." Taoist sex offers opportunities for multiple orgasms and long love affair, and to make it all available, you need to master a few basic rules.

Rule number 1. Harmony between Yin and Yang

Each person combines two principles, but most men are dominated by Yan energy, and in women - Yin. Taoists compare the male energy with fire, which instantly flares up and dies away just as quickly. The nature of the female energy is different, its element is water, not so mobile, but more powerful and inert. But of course, there are exceptions, there are Yin men and Yan women. This must be understood in order to be able to achieve harmony in an intimate life.

Female sexuality is born in the head, descending through the heart to the genitals. With men differently - their energy rises from the genitals to the head, just through the heart. Therefore, a woman starts to be excited from above and, by and large, a man only helps it. And the woman creates the most important mood and pleasure herself, with her own thoughts. Therefore, to think about intimacy with a loved one costs much more than how it happens to fall into the arms of a man already trembling with passion. Tao love sees the meaning of the prelude in the maximum female excitement, practically bringing to orgasm.

Rule number 2. Learn to touch

Modern lovers, if touching each other, it is either accidentally or during direct stimulation of "hot" zones during sex. But they forget everything about affectionate, loving touches. But an easy kiss, hugs at a meeting or easy stroking, when you go to bed can significantly bring you closer. Such touches are absolutely necessary for a person, during them oxytocin is produced, which removes stress, strengthens the feelings of lovers and stimulates the production of sex hormones. But without these fleeting caresses, women can earn depression and lose interest in sex, and men are made more rude and aggressive. So if now in your pair everything is somehow not very, perhaps this is the result of tactile hunger. Try to touch each other more often - walk by the handle, take a bath together, watch TV in an embrace. These simple actions will help you to awaken your sexual energy and strengthen your senses.

Rule number 3. Breathe, awakening sexuality

Optimal breathing in the Tao of love involves quiet breaths and exhalations, using the abdominal type of breathing. Some people are born this type, and the rest will have to learn it. Of course, during sex, the breath gets lost, but learning to control it, you can deepen and enhance the sensations for yourself, and it will help the partner to control the ejaculation. This is the easiest way to make the pleasure longer.

Rule number 4. Erogenous zones

To try dao sex, you need to start with kisses, because lips and tongue are important energy channels. Kiss more often and more, absorb the energy of the partner during kisses and give him yours. Initially, give the initiative to the man, let him warm you up properly. To begin better with feet and hands, gradually moving higher, to the center, go to the head, leaving the genitals at last, to which you need to go down the body. But to caress female genital organs in dao is possible only when all adjacent areas are warmed up. The woman, on the contrary, should begin the caresses from a penis, but without intensive movements, so that discharge does not occur ahead of time. When the erection is scheduled, you need to go to his arms, legs, body and head.

Rule number 5. The main thing is the right attitude

Tao love gives the opportunity for multiple orgasms, for this purpose, you need measured breathing, gentle touches and control of sexual energy. Naturally, for multiple orgasms will have to try, but the Taoists are sure that this pleasure is available to anyone, the main thing to want. If you have planned one orgasm, then it will happen, and having tuned in to a larger number, you will compile a program that the body will gladly fulfill. So let your thoughts correspond to your sexual desires to make them a reality.