How to lose weight quickly and easily?

In life, you always have to choose. Losing weight is no exception, for the way how to lose weight easily, quickly, and most importantly, does not exist forever. At least, the word "fast" here is clearly superfluous ...

The easiest way to lose weight

In the country of advanced weight loss and the highest level of obesity - the United States of America, re-opened the world the easiest way to lose weight. Do not worry, this is not a miracle pill that will instantly take away everything and, for the same money, is harmless. This is trivial water. Scientists have confirmed that people who sing before eating 1-2 glasses of water, eat, as a result, less. And besides, those who sit on a diet, water also helps to get rid of weight more actively. The reason for this supernatural effect in the removal of the products of decay - and fats, and proteins, and carbohydrates, splitting, form toxins that someone needs to withdraw. And the process of excretion in our body passes exclusively in the aquatic environment.

So, tip number 1 is 2 liters of water a day!

A long but sure way to lose weight

Meanwhile, the question of how to lose weight easily and simply is the answer. However, he does not like those who have time to lose weight desperately. You should gradually and unnoticed for the human eye to reduce their portions.

This can be done by reducing the size of its plate, only not sharply and immediately - but slowly.

Once or twice a month, change your personal plate literally a centimeter smaller. Without noticing, you will eat less, and this can not but affect your figure, for the first reason for being overweight is voracity.

Another easy way to lose weight is to learn how to eat slowly and size. This will help you tea spoons and the left hand (if you are left-handed - right). We change the tablespoon into a tea-spoon and eat it with an exceptionally unusual hand. First, you will not get it, everything will be annoying, but, do not give up, it's this will help you to be satisfied with less food. We do not suggest that you immediately take up Chinese sticks!

Excesses harm

The most correct way to lose weight is to exclude those products that lead to weight gain, and once and for all. We treat not symptomatology, but the root cause. You know very well which foods should not be consumed, and also know that you are the ones who love them most of all. Chips, fast food, sweet - it's a food parasite, the more we eat it, the more we want it. Do not get hooked on food addiction.