Why do eyes blush?

What kind of pet names are not called the eyes. And the mirror of the soul, and the window into the world, and precious sapphires or agates, and just the best decoration of the face. But sometimes the decoration becomes tarnished and clouded. Eyes somehow blush, water and itch, and that with this do not even realize right away. We suggest you go to the nearest clinic and learn about everything first-hand at any doctor's ophthalmologist. So to say, we will take preventive measures. After all, prevention is the best treatment, and information is a powerful weapon against any enemy. So, we begin.

Why blush, water, and itchy eyes in adults or children?

According to Olga Nikolaevna, an ophthalmologist with 20 years of experience, the reasons why the baby's eyes become red in the eyes or water, the eyes are blushing and blushing in adults, a great many. Among them, and various inflammatory diseases, and glaucoma, and usual fatigue, and the influence of the environment, and the presence of foreign objects in the eye, and incorrectly selected lenses, and even the love of high temperatures in the bath. But let's talk about everything in order.

Why blush and tear the whites of the eyes with conjunctivitis and glaucoma?

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, one of the membranes of the eye. Redness in this case is one of the symptoms of the disease, a peculiar reaction of the organ of vision to the causative agent of the disease. To be frightened there is nothing. When the inflammation passes, discomfort will also disappear. The main thing is not to self-act, but in time to seek help from a doctor.

But with glaucoma, reddening of the eyes is already associated with vascular phenomena. Namely, with increased intracranial and intraocular pressure. Vessels at the same time spasmodiruyutsya, blood can not flow freely, accumulates in small sosudiki eye and dyes it in a purple hue. It should be noted that with this disease, as a rule, only one eye blushes. The one from whose side the spasm occurred, and the pressure rose. This problem is also solved by going to the oculist. Otherwise, very unpleasant consequences can occur, up to loss of vision.

Why does the child's eyes blush?

The answer to this question is often either an allergy, or getting into the eye of some foreign body - sand, litter, etc. Clean the allergen or rinse the eyes, and the redness will soon pass.

Why blush and itchy eyes from the lens or after the bath?

Another reason for the occurrence of redness and itching in the eyes may serve as incorrectly selected lenses. This is possible in cases where a poor-quality lens solution is used or hygiene rules are not followed. And also with nystagmus, that is, an unstable position of the eyeball. This condition is associated with the uneven work of the eye muscles. Some are weaker, others are stronger, at some point their strength changes in places and causes the eyeball to move continuously. If you put a lens on such an eye, then, moving, it will constantly rub against it. The result of friction and will be the emergence of redness and lacrimation, no matter how soft and comfortable the lens does not seem to you at first.

High temperatures are also not the best option for our eyes. The mucous membrane of the eyeball is quite sensitive, a strong overheating can dry it, and if it perspires, the negative effect increases several times. That's why some people blush and itch the eyes after the bath. By the way, the same effect occurs under the influence of the air conditioner, although in this case the air is cool. In the same group can be added and a long sitting at the computer or at the TV. After all, from a bright monitor or flashing motley advertising our eyes are very tired, first water, and then dry and itch.

What if the eyes turn red, tear and itch?

The simplest and shortest answer is to cure. Well, how, the doctor will tell you. The main thing, do not pull and at the slightest signs of the disease go to a specialist. Take care of your eyes, and they will serve you with faith and truth for many years.