Tents for children

Who among us in my childhood did not dream of own house, room, corner, that is, a place where you can stay alone, hide toys and keep secrets, accept friends - real and imaginary? What are the only options we did not invent: hiding in a closet, building "halabuds" in the forest and on the street, covering the table with a blanket and climbed under it, constructing complex designs of blankets and cushions and so on. It is natural that our children have similar desires, which we adults can help them realize, because now it is possible to purchase tents for children that meet the most demanding tastes freely.

Children's play house-tents stimulate the development of fantasy - the kid comes up with various games, including story-role, teach him to equip his life and keep his personal space in order, form aesthetic taste. They are compact, easy to fold and unfold, easy to clean and quickly dry.

How to choose a children's tent?

Understand the variety of tents offered is not easy: stores and are full of all sorts of models and colors. What should I look for first?

  1. Security. Choose a product of a well-known company in a proven outlet - this will guarantee that the tent will be made qualitatively and from materials that do not contain toxic substances. This is very important, because the child will spend a lot of time in his new house, especially at first, and the tent itself will certainly be in the children's room, so you should avoid inhaling the toxic fumes.
  2. Choice of design. There is where to turn - choose what your heart desires. There are children's tents for girls and for boys - the appropriate forms and subjects. Acquire what your child likes, but make sure that the bright and colorful tent does not overwhelm the already variegated nursery.
  3. Lighting. Pay attention to enough light to penetrate into the tent, and your child, so loved by many children, can create your child by covering the windows with curtains - specially provided or improvised.
  4. The size. The child should quietly be insane in a tent while standing, it is advisable to even have some stock - maybe the kid will play a tent for several years, for which he will have time to grow. In addition, its area should be sufficient to accommodate guests, for example, you.

Tents can have some additional functions, differ filling and "planning".

Children's tent with a tunnel

If the area allows room, take a tent with a tunnel - the child will be interested to go over it again and again, setting speed records and inventing additional obstacles.

Baby tents with balls

Games kid can diversify by filling the tent with plastic balls for dry pools. Particularly happy to lie in the balls of crumbs, which are only creeping. The only drawback of this decision is that you will have to regularly Collect balloons throughout the apartment, but these are trifles compared to how much joy this will bring to the child.

Children's inflatable tents

Inflatable tents for children are not an option for an apartment, because they are quite expensive and require a lot of space, and preferably a spacious territory adjacent to a private house. Most often, such tents are whole gaming complexes that can be found in parks.

Game tents are suitable for children of any age, because they consist of a metal frame, covered with a cloth and have no sharp corners. However, you need to regularly check its integrity - the metal base can break through the tissue and injure the child.