Why does the child smell from the mouth?

For each mother, the smell of her baby is the most native. A particularly tender emotion causes the milk flavor of babies. But sometimes parents may notice that the little child has a bad breath from the mouth, and they are wondering why it is.

The reasons can be different. Let us analyze the most common.

Causes of bad breath

  1. Poor hygiene of the oral cavity. When the baby starts to grow teeth, dentists advise to start immediately to clean them. First, parents help in this procedure. Later the child cleans himself, but under the supervision of adults: at least 2 minutes, paying attention to both the upper and lower jaws, making the right movements: from the root of the tooth, as if sweeping away the dirt.
  2. Caries and gum disease. If you notice problems while examining the oral cavity, then, of course, you need to visit the dentist.
  3. Plaque in the tongue and tonsils. There are always a lot of germs in the mouth. Diseases or excessive dryness lead to imbalance and cause an unpleasant odor. Saliva has an antibacterial effect. Therefore, if the cause of the smell is in the tongue and tonsils, it is recommended to eat more sour fruits: apples, lemons, oranges, thereby stimulating salivation. Also, ensure that the child drank during the day the required amount of clean water.
  4. Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the duodenum, etc. may be the cause of bad breath. If you suspect these ailments, you should contact the pediatrician.
  5. Stress and nervous disorders cause a weakened immune system. This leads to a change in the microflora in the mouth and dryness. Overcome these reasons will help the ability to relax and remain calm in different situations.
  6. Sometimes parents wonder why a one-year-old child smells from the mouth in the morning. Doctors say that after waking up it's normal. The fact is that during the day the child is active, eats, drinks, the oral cavity is moistened with saliva. Therefore, a healthy child has no foreign smells. At night, there is no saliva, so the microbes multiply unhindered, and the corresponding odor is formed. After the morning hygienic procedures, everything is normalized.
  7. In addition, during the day, some foods eaten can cause bad breath. For example, onions, meat, cheese. This phenomenon is temporary and should not cause concern.

If you think that your baby's mouth is especially unpleasantly smelling, the question "why" should be addressed, first of all, to the pediatrician.